(A)   If the charges to a user of the water or wastewater facilities of the village are not paid within 30 days of the due date, then said bill shall be deemed delinquent. In addition to a late payment penalty, delinquent bills shall be subject to interest charges of 1% per month or portion thereof for all outstanding sums due and payable commencing from the date the bills are due and payable.
   (B)   After a bill has been deemed delinquent, the Village Collector shall prepare or cause to be prepared a notice that village services shall be terminated at the end of ten days from the date of mailing or posting of the notice. The notice shall be mailed by first class mail to the customer’s address or shall be posted on the premises of the occupants. If at the close of the business day of the tenth day following the mailing or posting of notice, the water bill together with all penalties and interest charges are not paid, then the service to the delinquent user shall be discontinued without further notice. The service to the delinquent user shall not be reinstated until all claims are settled. All costs of discontinuance of service and later reinstatement shall be charged to and paid by the user.
(Ord. 18-04-01, passed 4-24-2018)