(A)   Private fire service connections serving private fire hydrants or other private fire protection systems will be installed in accordance with the provisions and terms of a private fire service connection permit. Only the owner of premises being served may apply for private fire protection service.
   (B)   Application for private fire protection service will not be approved unless there is suitable water volume and pressure, subject to the terms and conditions in the application, available in the village distribution water main abutting the premises to be supplied by the service.
   (C)   The applicant for a private fire service connection shall furnish a set of drawings prepared by an Illinois Professional Engineer showing the pipes, valves, hydrants, tanks, opening and appurtenances contemplated in the application. The drawings must show any other water supply system, pipelines and appurtenances which may exist on the premises.
   (D)   After completion, the customer must obtain, in advance, the approval of the village for any change, alteration or addition in the fixtures, openings and uses specified in the application and shown on the original drawings.
   (E)   Private fire hydrants will be installed and maintained by the customer at the customer’s expense.
   (F)   No person or party may take water from any private fire hydrant except authorized persons or parties for firefighting purposes; and no private fire hydrant may be used for any purpose except the extinguishment or prevention of fire unless prior approval of the village is obtained.
   (G)   A private fire service connection to be used to supply water to a fire system utilizing fire hydrants, automatic sprinkler heads or standpipes, will be installed from the village’s main to the customer’s property line or easement line by the village at the applicant’s expense. The village reserves the right to size the connection and to specify all materials used. The applicant will pay the exact cost of material, labor and overhead expense. The fire service connection so installed will remain the sole property of the customer. The remainder of the installation including any fire hydrant(s) and other firefighting appurtenances located on the premises of the applicant, will be installed, owned and maintained by applicant.
   (H)   The applicant for a private fire service connection to supply water to fire hydrants, automatic sprinkler heads or standpipes, will be obligated to pay the applicable rate for the service in accordance with the rate schedules in effect at that time.
   (I)   Private fire service connections are to be used only for the extinguishment of fires and are to have no connection whatever with any other service connection or service pipes that may be used for other than firefighting purposes. The private fire service connection shall be distinct and separate from the regular water service connections. The village reserves the right to provide a meter and install it at the customer’s expense on a fire service connection to ensure that water is not being used for purposes other than extinguishment of fires.
   (J)   Private fire protection service shall be furnished through a line guarded by an approved fire line meter furnished by the village at the customer’s cost or detector device which shall be furnished and installed by the customer at the customer’s cost and expense and with a bypass meter furnished by the village at the customer’s cost. The fire line meter or detector device shall be located at a point approved by the village. The fire line meter shall be owned and maintained by the village and the detector device will be maintained by the customer at its expense. The bypass meter only, used with the detector device, shall be furnished, installed and maintained by the village at the customer’s cost and expense.
   (K)   Customer-owned fire hydrants supplied through a fire service connection shall be painted orange or yellow and shall not be painted the color “red”, which has been adopted by the village for fire hydrants owned by the village.
   (L)   Private fire service connections shall be provided with an approved backflow prevention device.
(Ord. 18-04-01, passed 4-24-2018)