(A)   When the supply of water is to be temporarily cut off, notice will be given when practicable to all customers affected by the shutting off, stating the probable duration of the interruption of service and also the purpose for which the shut-off is made.
   (B)   In the interest of public health, the village will not permit its water mains or services to be connected on any premises with any service pipe or piping which is connected to any piping, tank, vat or other apparatus which contains liquids, chemicals or any other matter which may flow back into the village’s service pipe or water mains and consequently endanger the water supply.
   (C)   The village undertakes to use reasonable care and diligence to provide a constant supply of water at a reasonable pressure, but reserves the right, at any time, without notice, to shut off the water in its mains for the purpose of making repairs or extensions or for other purposes. The village shall not be liable for a deficiency or failure, regardless of cause, in the supply of water or in the pressure, nor any damage caused thereby or by the bursting or breaking of any main or service pipe or any attachment to the village’s property. All customers having boilers upon their premises depending upon the water pressure in the village’s water mains to keep them supplied are cautioned against danger of collapse in the event of interruption of service. All damage occasioned by any collapse must be borne exclusively by the consumer or customer.
   (D)   The village shall have the sole right to determine the size of meters, valves, service lines and connection necessary to give the service applied for.
   (E)   A temporary supply of water for building construction, lawn watering or other similar purposes must be specifically applied for.
   (F)   All use of water other than by the applicant or for any purpose or upon any premises not stated or described in the application, must be prevented by him or her. The applicant will be liable for the amount of water used in conformity with the schedule of rates of the village as may be established from time to time.
   (G)   Service may be discontinued for any of the following reasons:
      (1)   For the use of water for any other property or purpose than that described in the application;
      (2)   For misrepresentation in the application as to property or fixtures to be supplied;
      (3)   For waste of water;
      (4)   For interference with, tampering with or damage to any service pipe, meter, curb stop, valve, fire hydrant or other appliances of the village;
      (5)   For continued vacancy of the premises;
      (6)   For use of water with intent to defraud the village of payment for the water used;
      (7)   For failure to repair any defect or leak in service pipe within five days after discovery;
      (8)   For nonpayment of water service or any other charges accruing under the application;
      (9)   For cross-connecting the village service pipe with any other source of supply or with any apparatus which may endanger the quality of the village’s water supply;
      (10)   For refusal of reasonable access to property for purpose of inspecting or for reading, repairing or removing meters;
      (11)   For refusal to install and maintain an air chamber on plumbing installations where inspection proves their necessity;
      (12)   For violation of or refusal to comply with the rules and regulations of the village;
      (13)   For emergency conditions; or
      (14)   For failure to comply with any applicable portion of the village’s rules regarding cross-connections and RPZ installation, including refusal to provide an inventory of water using devices and backflow preventers or reasonable access to the premises for purposes of inspection for compliance or bypass; failure to prevent or remove cross-connections; failure to install, test or maintain RPZ or low pressure cutoffs; removal of RPZ or low pressure cut-offs; and failure to maintain records and make required reports to the village.
   (H)   If a customer, whose service has been discontinued for nonpayment of bills or for violation of the rules and regulations of the village, desires a reconnection, the reconnection will only be made after the customer has:
      (1)   Made a deposit to assure future payment of bills (in cases only where no deposit was originally made);
      (2)   Paid all unpaid bills for water service;
      (3)   Paid a reconnection fee as set from time to time by resolution of the Village Board of Trustees; and
      (4)   Has corrected any condition found to be in violation of the rules and regulations of the village.
   (I)   When weather conditions cause the water in the customer’s service line to freeze, the village is not obligated to thaw the frozen water line to restore water service to the customer or owner. Repair of damage to a service line due to freezing or other external causes or repair of damage caused by customer will be made by customer at customer’s expense.
   (J)   The village recognizes that at times the customer’s service line and plumbing system is used as an electrical grounding electrode for electrical circuits and devices. This method of grounding involves an element of danger and is highly discouraged by the village. The village will not be liable for the adequacy of this electrical grounding system and reserves the right to make any structural or material changes it so desires in the installation of the village’s water mains, water service connections and meters without regard to the effect the changes may have on the overall adequacy of an electrical grounding system utilizing the customer’s service line and plumbing system.
   (K)   The village will not permit anyone except an authorized employee of the village to make any connection to or disconnection from the water main of the village. The village also will not permit any unauthorized individuals to set, change, remove, interfere with, bypass or make any connection to the village’s water meter or other property. The customer and/or owner shall be responsible for any violations of this rule and the consequences thereof, including costs to repair damage to the village’s property.
(Ord. 18-04-01, passed 4-24-2018)