(A)   All applications for water service must be made at the office of the village in writing, on forms furnished by the village, by the persons or parties desiring same, and must state truly and fully the uses to which the water is to be applied, and the correct lot and street number of the premises to be supplied. All applications must be signed by the owner of the premises to be supplied or his or her duly authorized agent. In the case of rental units, if the tenant is the applicant, the owner of the premises must also be a guarantor for the water service bill. An application fee set from time to time by resolution of the Village Board of Trustees shall be required.
   (B)   An application must be made and approved by the village upon any change in tenancy where the tenant has contracted for the water service or in ownership when the owner has contracted for the water service. When the change in tenancy and/or ownership is made without giving the village notice within 48 hours after the change, the new tenant or owner may be held responsible for the payment of all unpaid water service.
   (C)   When application is made, the village reserves the right to require a cash deposit set from time to time by resolution of the Village Board of Trustees to secure the payment of the bills. The deposit shall be retained by the village as long as the applicant secures water service. When the service is discontinued for nonpayment of bills or for violation by the consumer of the village’s rules and regulations, the village may apply the deposit against the account of consumer, and the balance, if any, will be refunded.
   (D)   No agreement will be entered into by the village with any applicant for water service, whether owner or tenant, until all arrears and charges due by the applicant for water service or other services at any premises now or previously owned or occupied by him or her shall have been paid.
   (E)   When an application for a new service pipe, water service or the reinstatement of water service is filed with the village, it is assumed that the private piping and fixtures, which the service will supply, are in proper working order and are in full compliance with all the applicable local, state, and federal codes and regulations. The village will not be liable in any event for any accident, breaks or leakage, arising in any way in connection with the supply of water or failure to supply same.
(Ord. 18-04-01, passed 4-24-2018)