For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
CROSS-CONNECTION. Any direct or indirect connection between a customer’s piping system having a service connection to the village’s facilities and any other piping or plumbing systems, or a vessel such as, but not limited to, compressed gas cylinders, sinks, toilets, drains and other pressurized or unpressurized liquid or gaseous containers, which contain, or which could contain, any substance other than water supplied by the village. CROSS-CONNECTION also means any use of water supplied by the village which permits, or which could permit, backflow of water or any other substance into the village’s water mains.
CUSTOMER, CONSUMER. The party contracting for water service to a property as herein classified and a separate contract shall be required for each property described as follows:
(1) A building under one roof owned by one party and occupied by one person or family as a residence;
(2) A building under one roof owned by one party and occupied by one person, firm or corporation as one business;
(3) A combination of buildings in one common enclosure owned by one party and occupied by one person or family as a residence;
(4) A combination of buildings in one common enclosure owned by one party and occupied by one person, firm or corporation as one business;
(5) The one side of a double house or duplex having a solid vertical partition wall;
(6) A building owned by one party containing more than one apartment;
(7) A building owned by one party and having a number of offices or business spaces which are rented to tenants using in common, one or more means of entrance;
(8) A single lot, park or playground;
(9) Each house in a row of houses; or
(10) A single apartment or unit in a building of multiple dwelling units.
(11) A single retail or commercial business space within a building of multiple commercial spaces owned by one party.
CUSTOMER’S SERVICE LINE. A pipe with appurtenances installed, owned and maintained by the owner of a premises between the water service connection to the village’s water main and the structure or other point of service on the owner’s premises as described in the application for water service connection.
HIGH USAGE. Shall be deemed to exist when water demand equals or exceeds village water treatment production capacity for a time period that potentially threatens system storage capacity and the continued availability of water for human consumption, sanitation and fire protection.
IDM (INFRASTRUCTURE DESIGN MANUAL). The Manual of design requirements and construction procedures required by the Village of Mahomet intended to provide a uniform design criteria for installation of public infrastructure.
IDPH (ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH). The Agency of the State of Illinois, any divisions thereof or successors thereto, authorized by present and subsequent acts of the legislature to regulate and control matters with respect to the implementation, management, and operation of private water supply facilities.
IEPA (ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY). The agency or agencies of the State of Illinois, any divisions thereof or successors thereto, authorized by present and subsequent acts of the legislature thereof to regulate and control matters in respect to the environment, and particularly in respect to the management, maintenance and operations of the village’s public water supply facilities.
METER. A device which measures and registers the quantity of water supplied to a customer by the village.
OWNER. Whenever the same appears herein, means the person, firm, corporation or association having the sole ownership and interest in any premises which is or is about to be supplied with water service by the village, and the word OWNERS means all so interested.
PAST DUE BILL. The customer’s bill is past due if unpaid after due date printed on the bill.
PERSON. Any and all persons, natural or artificial, including any individual, firm, company, municipal or private corporation, association, society, institution, enterprise, governmental agency or other entity.
POLLUTION SOURCE OR ROUTE. As defined in the Illinois Groundwater Protection Act, ILCS Ch. 415, Act 55, §§ 1 et seq. (1991, Ch. 111 ½, Para. 7451), the text of which is incorporated in this chapter by reference.
PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANT. A device supplying water for firefighting purposes which is owned and operated by a customer.
PRIVATE FIRE SERVICE CONNECTION. A connection providing water only for fire protection which will normally be used through a private fire protection system installed on the premises by the owner of same.
PUBLIC FIRE HYDRANT. A device for supplying water for firefighting purposes and which is owned and operated by the village.
REMOTE METER READING DEVICE. A device installed on the outside of a customer’s building, on a post or on a support that permits the meter to be read without making visual contact with the water meter.
SERVICE RECONNECTION CHARGE. A charge made for reconnection of a service which has been discontinued for nonpayment or other proper reason.
TENANT. Anyone occupying a premises under lease, oral or written, from the owner and obtaining water service from the mains of the village with the consent of his or her landlord.
USEPA (UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY). An agency of the federal government of the United States which was created for the purpose of protecting human health and the environment by writing and enforcing regulations based on laws passed by Congress.
VILLAGE. Whenever the name appears herein, means the “Village of Mahomet, Champaign County, Illinois”.
VILLAGE ADMINISTRATOR. The person appointed by the President of the Board of Trustees to enforce the provisions of this chapter. The Village Administrator may designate other village employees to act on his / her behalf.
WATER. All potable water (not wastewater) supplied by the village to any customer.
WATER EMERGENCY. Shall be deemed to exist when a natural disaster, mechanical failure or other extraordinary event has caused the village water production or distribution capacity to be severely limited or damaged, and when all but bare essential water use must be curtailed so as to allow a subsistence usage of water for human consumption and sanitation.
WATER MAIN. The supply pipe located in a public street, public road, other public way and/or an easement, owned and maintained by the village containing potable water, to which water service connections are attached to supply water service to a premises.
WATER SERVICE CONNECTION. A pipe with appurtenances used to conduct water from the village water main to a point at or near the property line of the premises to be served. WATER SERVICE CONNECTIONS are classified as follows:
(1) REGULAR WATER SERVICE CONNECTION. A connection providing water service to a premises for normal residential, commercial, industrial or public authority purposes and for which the period of service may normally be expected to exceed one year by an indefinite period.
(2) TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE CONNECTION. A connection providing water service to a premises for any other purpose and for which the period of service is a period of time usually less than one year. Connections providing water for construction purposes are included within this category.
WATER SHORTAGE. Shall be deemed to exist when the ordinary demands and requirements of water customers served by the village cannot be satisfied without unreasonably depleting the water supply to or below a critical level, the level at which the continued availability of water for human consumption, sanitation and fire protection is jeopardized.
(Ord. 18-04-01, passed 4-24-2018)