(A)   Unlawful facilities. Except as hereinafter provided, it shall be unlawful to construct or maintain any well, cistern or other facility intended or used for the supply of potable water for public or private uses within the village.
   (B)   Required connection to public water supply facilities.
      (1)   Any person owning property situated within the jurisdiction of the village, which property is improved with one or more residences, houses, buildings or structures used or intended to be used for human use, occupancy, employment, recreation or any other similar purpose whatever, and which property abuts on any street, alley, or right-of-way in which there is located a water main within 300 feet of said property shall, within 90 days of the effective date of this chapter or within 90 days after the water main is in service, whichever is later, at his or her expense, install a suitable water service line therein and connect the property with the water main in accordance with the terms and provisions of this chapter.
      (2)   In the event that compliance with this section causes economic hardship to the owner, the owner may apply to the Board of Trustees for exemption from or extension of the deadline or of the requirements of this section. These exemptions or extensions may only be granted to persons when the exemption will not endanger the public health, welfare or safety and shall be in the best interests of the village. The Village Administrator shall review any request for an exemption and provide a recommendation to the Board of Trustees concerning the request.
      (3)   A required water connection as described above shall not be avoided by reasons of actual distance from the building or structure to the connecting point at the water main.
(Ord. 18-04-01, passed 4-24-2018)