Ord. No. | Date Passed | Description |
Ord. No. | Date Passed | Description |
1-1978 | - - | Amends Ord. 2-1975, granting to a company conducting business as Lakeland Cablevision, Inc., a non-exclusive permit to erect, maintain and operate transmission and distribution facilities in, under, over, along, across and upon the streets, lanes and the like in the city |
4-1979 | - - | Grants to a company conducting business as Mahnomen Cable, Inc., a company owned and operated by David Gentling, a non-exclusive permit to erect, maintain and operate transmission and distribution facilities in the city |
13B | 3-4-1907 | Authorizes C.H. and L.G. Sanders, their heirs or assigns, to erect, conduct, maintain and repair within the city limits, for a period of 30 years, telephone poles and underground conduits with the necessary and proper cross arms and fixtures |
14b | 3-4-1907 | Amends ordinance granting use of streets and the like for erecting, containing, maintaining and operating a telephone system; directs that no party, parties or corporation shall be granted any rights, privileges, or concessions to build, construct or put in operation any telephone system prior to the time in which C.H. and L.G. Sanders are to have their telephone system in operation |
KT+>16 | 7-3-1907 | Grants a license and permission to the McBride Electric Company, a corporation, hereinafter designated, for the term of ten years, to erect and maintain an electric lighting plant, and provides for the sale thereof |
22 | 5-14-1909 | Amends Ord. 13, granting to C.H. and L.G. Sanders, their successors and assigns, authority to use the streets, avenues and the like, for erecting, maintaining and operating a telephone system |
24 | 3-28-1912 | Gives permission and authority to the Standard Oil Company, a corporation, to construct and maintain for a term of 50 years, a warehouse, tanks and other buildings necessary for its business |
KT+>26 | 6-22-1913 | Validates Ord. 13, if within 20 days after the passage thereof, the Becker-Mahnomen Telephone Company does file with the City Recorder a written acceptance of the terms of Ord. 13 |
28 | 11-13-1915 | Grants to H. Reichart permission to erect, construct, install and maintain an electric light, power and heating plant, to operate and maintain the same within the city, permitting the installation of conduits, poles, wires, pipes and the like |
35 | 3-15-1926 | Grants to Croswell Power Company, its successors and assigns, the right to establish, maintain and operate an electric light and power distributing plant and system in the city |
1 | 9-7-1976 | Grants to Otter Tail Power Company permission to erect, construct, install and maintain within the city, an electric light and power system and transmission lines, and to operate the same |
3-1976 | 9-7-1976 | Grants to Otter Tail Power Company permission to erect, construct, install and maintain within the city, an electric light and power system and transmission lines, and to operate the same |
2-1981 | 3-16-1981 | Awards a cable television franchise in the city for a period of 15 years to Spectrum Communication Services |
051506-2 | 5-15-2006 | Grants a nonexclusive cable television franchise for a period of ten years to an entity to be identified by resolution of the City Council |
55.01 | 3-16-2015 | Grants to Community Co-ops of Lake Park a nonexclusive franchise to construct, operate, repair and maintain facilities and equipment for the transportation, distribution, manufacture and sale of gas energy for public and private use |
2016-6 | 5-16-2016 | Grants a nonexclusive electric franchise to Otter Tail Power Company for a period of ten years |
2017-7 | 9-11-2017 | Grants Tekstar Communications, Inc. a franchise extension till May 15, 2026 |