All Carbon-free Choice Program is an option for customers to purchase carbon-free energy sourced from solar and hydroelectric facilities within the City of Madisonville energy source.
(A) Availability. Any area served by the Madisonville Municipal Electric Department electric system in accordance with Madisonville Municipal Electric Department’s term and conditions for providing electric service.
(B) Applicable. To any non-domestic customer who receives all electric power and energy requirements from Madisonville Municipal Electric Department. The Carbon-Free Choice Program allows customers to purchase carbon-free energy sourced from solar and hydroelectric facilities within our supply portfolio. This schedule is not applicable for temporary, breakdown, standby, supplementary, resale or shared electric service.
(C) Type of service. Single phase or three phase, 60 hertz, at one of MMED’s standard service voltages (120/208, 120/240) or other voltages as might be mutually agreeable.
(D) Monthly rate. Customer charge: $6.50 per block; block value: 1,000 kwh per block. Program participants will receive certificate verification that the carbon-free energy was utilized and retired on their behalf. Whole blocks must be purchased with a minimum one-year participation agreement. Carbon-free credits will be available to customers on a first-come, first-serve basis. Each block is certified and tracked using the M-RETS tracking system.
(Ord. 2024-11, passed 12-16-24)