   (A)   Property owner’s responsibility. The service line from the sewer main to the building being served is the property owner's responsibility. Any maintenance, such as blockages, breaks, valves, bad connections, jetter cleaning, televising, etc. is the responsibility of the property owner. If, for any reason, the City of Madison Lake would need to work on a sewer service line, the expenses incurred while doing the necessary work will be billed to the property owner.
   (B)   Unauthorized connections. No unauthorized person shall uncover, make any connection with or opening into, use alter, or disturb any public sewer or appurtenance without first obtaining a permit form the City Clerk or otherwise complying with the provision of this chapter.
   (C)   Permit and bond. A permit for construction of the extension between a building drain and the sewer main stub, herein called the building sewer, and for connecting it to the sewer main stub shall be issued only to a master plumber who has furnished a bond conditioned so as to secure compliance by the principal with the provisions of this chapter and to further secure performance by him or her of all work undertaken within the city.
   (D)   Indemnification by owner. The owner shall bear the costs and expenses incident to the installation and connection of the building sewer. He or she shall indemnify the city for any loss or damage directly or indirectly caused by its installation. To the extent he or she deems necessary, the Plumbing Inspector shall establish rules and regulations for the proper implementation of these requirements which, when approved by the Council by resolution, shall govern the installation of building sewers and connections.
   (E)   Requirements for building a sewer. Building sewer construction shall meet the requirements of the Minnesota State Plumbing Code and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the Minnesota Department of Health.
   (F)   Inspection and approval. The applicant for the building sewer permit shall notify the Plumbing Inspector when the sewer and connection is ready for inspection. The connection shall be made under the supervision of the Plumbing Inspector or his or her representative. No back fill shall be placed until the work has been inspected and approved.
   (G)   Sewer service line. The service line from the sewer main to the building being served, is the property owner's responsibility. Any maintenance, such as blockages, breaks, valves, bad connections, jetter cleaning, televising, etc. is the responsibility of the property owner. If for any reason the city would have to work on a sewer service line the expenses incurred when doing the necessary work will be billed to the property owner or against the property.
(Ord. 238, passed 5-1-2006)
   (A)   Definition. For the purpose of this chapter, STORM WATER, SURFACE WATER and SUMP PUMP WATER shall mean any and all waters, other than domestic waters originating in the city water system or its wells, susceptible to use for domestic purposes.
   (B)   Prohibited discharges.
      (1)   Discharging storm water, surface water or sump pump waters into the sanitary sewer system in the city is prohibited. Any person, firm or corporation having a roof drain system, surface drain system, footing tile, footings or foundation drains, basement floor drain, cistern overflow pipes, sump pump or other drains of storm, surface or ground waters which are now connected and/or discharging into the sanitary sewer system shall disconnect and/or remove the same. Any disconnects or opening into the sanitary sewer system shall be closed or repaired in an effective, workmanlike manner, as approved by the Public Works Supervisor.
      (2)   No building shall be constructed nor shall any existing buildings be altered in such a manner that the roof drainage or any other source of storm water, sump pump water or surface water shall connect or infiltrate with the sanitary sewer system inside or outside the building.
   (C)   Sump pumps.
      (1)   Dwellings, buildings and structures which require because of the infiltration of water into basements, crawl spaces and the like, including water damage markings on basement walls, a sump pump system to discharge excess water shall have a permanently installed discharge line which shall not at any time discharge water into the sanitary sewer system. A permanent installation shall be one which provides for year-round discharge capability to either the outside of the dwelling, building or structure, or is connected to the city storm water sewer. It shall consist of a rigid discharge line, without valves or quick connections for altering the path of discharge, and if connected to the city storm sewer shall include a check valve.
      (2)   If a storm water sub-drain is available, all sump pumps must immediately connect. If a storm water sub-drain is not available for sump pump connection, all sump pump lines may discharge into a vegetated area that does not cause nuisance conditions to the abutting property owner. If a storm water sub-drain is not available and the discharge of sump pump waters into a vegetated area causes a nuisance condition to the abutting property, sump pump waters may discharge to the street abutting the residence.
   (D)   Inspections. Within 30 days from receiving a written notice from the city, every person owning improved real estate that discharges into the city's sanitary sewer system must allow a duly authorized employee or representative of the city, to inspect the buildings to determine whether there is a prohibited discharge into the sanitary sewer system. Any property found to violate this section shall make the necessary changes to comply with this section and such changes shall be verified by duly authorized agents of the city. The City Council may apply to the District Court for an appropriate administrative search warrant if a property owner refuses to allow an inspection of the owner's property.
      (1)   In lieu of having the city inspect the property, a person may furnish an inspection report in a form acceptable to the Public Works Supervisor from a licensed plumber approved by the Public Works Supervisor.
      (2)   Re-inspections. A property that is found to be not in compliance with this section is subject to re-inspections to confirm that the property is subsequently brought into compliance.
      (3)   Inspections with building permits. If a city inspector is on a property for the purpose of inspecting for compliance with a building permit, the city inspector has the authority to also inspect the property for compliance with this section.
   (E)   Corrections. The owner of a property found to be in violation of this section must make the necessary corrections to comply with this section within 30 days of notification from the city. If the owner fails to make the required corrections within the specified time, the city may make the necessary corrections and charge the cost to the property owner. Costs that are not paid may be certified for collection as a special assessment in the same manner as delinquent utility bills.
   (F)   Penalties and service charges.
      (1)   Any person found violating any provision of this section shall be served by the city with written notice stating the nature of the violation. The offender shall permanently cease all violations. As for new construction, remodeling and additions, a warning for violation of this section will be stamped on the building permit and if found to be in violation of this section they will be immediately subject to a monthly surcharge plus they will be responsible for all water treatment costs and must immediately cease all violations.
      (2)   A monthly surcharge is hereby imposed and added to every sewer billing mailed to any person failing to comply after being served a notice to comply. The surcharge shall be added every month until the property is in compliance. The surcharge shall continue to be levied monthly, on properties not complying with this section. The City Council may grant waivers from the surcharges where strict enforcement may cause undue hardship unique to the property or where the property owner was scheduled for disconnection but cannot do so due to circumstances, such as availability of the plumber or inclement weather. The surcharge amount for 2008 will be $100 per month. Commencing in 2009 and thereafter, the surcharge will be as set forth in the city's Schedule of Fees.
      (3)   In the event the owner fails to correct the situation the city may correct said connection and collect such costs, together with reasonable attorney's fees and the collection fees, by suing the owner in a court of competent jurisdiction, or in the alternative, by certifying said costs of correction as any other special assessment upon the land from which said correction of said violation was made.
   (G)   Disclosure. Prior to the change in ownership of any building within the city, the seller shall disclose to the buyer, in writing, whether or not the property is in compliance with the provisions of this section. The seller shall also provide a copy of said disclosure to the city within 5 days of the date of the sale of the property.
   (H)   Validity. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. This section shall be in full force and effect upon its time of passage and publication.
(Am. Ord. 238, passed 4-21-2008)
   Any person desiring to deposit or discharge any industrial waste mixture into the sewers of the city or any sewer connected therewith, shall make written application to the approving authority.
   (A)   Control chambers. Any person discharging or desiring to discharge an industrial waste mixture into the sewerage works of the city, or any sewer connected therewith, shall provide and maintain in suitable, accessible position on his or her premises, or such premises occupied by him or her, an inspection chamber or manhole near the outlet of each sewer, drain, pipe, channel or connection which communicated with any sewer or sewage work of the city or any sewer connected therewith. Each such manhole or inspection chamber shall be of such design and construction as to prevent infiltration by ground and/or surface waters and to prevent the entrance of objectionable slugs of solids (greater than 1/2 inch in size) into the sanitary wastewater system. The inspection chamber shall be maintained by the person discharging wastes so that any authorized representative or employee of the city may readily and safely measure the rate of flow and obtain samples of the flow at all times. Plans for the construction of the control manholes or inspection chambers including such flow measuring devices as may be required, shall be approved by the approving authority prior to the beginning of construction. Such structures and equipment (including a valve on the effluent line) shall be installed by the person at his or her expense.
   (B)   Measurement of flow.
      (1)   The meter records of the Water Department shall be the valid basis for computing the wastewater flow, unless actual wastewater flow measurement by a recording meter of an approved type is required by either the approving authority or industry. The owner shall install and maintain such device in proper condition to accurately measure such flow. Upon failure to do so, the water consumption shall be the basis for determining the applicability of this chapter and computing the industrial service charge. When water is obtained from a privately owned source, a water meter and/or wastewater meter satisfactory to the approving authority shall be installed and maintained at the person's expense.
      (2)   When water is contained in a product or is evaporated or is discharged in an uncontaminated condition to surface drainage, an application may be needed for a deduction in the volume of waste discharged to the public sewer provided supporting data satisfactory to the approving authority is furnished. This data shall include a flow diagram, destination of water supply and/or waste, supported by sub-metering data obtained on the process piping at the expense of the private owner.
   (C)   Sampling of wastes. Sampling of the effluent of waste discharges may be accomplished manually or by the use of mechanical equipment to obtain a 24-hour composite sample which would be representative of the total effluent. Samples shall be taken as such intervals as determined by the approving authority as necessary to maintain a control over the discharge from the establishment. The methods used in the examination of all wastewater to determine suspended solids, BOD and concentrations of prohibited wastes shall be as set for herein. All costs for sampling and testing of industrial, discharges, as ordered by the approving authority, shall be paid by the person making accordance with Standard Methods. Test results shall be reported within a reasonable time.
(Ord. 238, passed 5-5-1-2006)
   A separate and independent sewer shall be provided for every building connected to the sewer system except that the Council may waive this requirement where it finds that a separate sewer for a building is impractical.
(Ord. 238, passed 5-5-1-2006)