   Water meters shall be the property of the city and may be removed or replaced as to size and type when deemed necessary.
(Ord. 238, passed 5-5-1-2006)
   Authorized meter readers shall have free access at reasonable hours of the day to all parts of every building and premises connected with the city water supply system in order to read meters and make inspections. Outside meter reading devices shall be installed.
(Ord. 238, passed 5-5-1-2006)
   All plumbing, service pipe, meters, fixtures, and appurtenances shall be installed and comply with provisions of the Minnesota Plumbing Code and Standards of the Minnesota Department of Health.
   (A)   Water meter setting. Every water meter shall be installed in accordance with the following provisions:
      (1)   The service pipe from the water main to the meter shall be brought through the floor in a vertical position where the pipe enters the building. The stop and waste valve shall be 12 inches above the floor.
      (2)   The bottom of the meter shall be between 6 and 12 inches above the finished floor line. The meter shall be set not more than 12 inches horizontally from the inside line of the basement wall unless a different position is approved by the Waste and Sewer Department. A suitable bracket shall be provided to support the meter and prevent noise from vibration.
      (3)   Each meter installation shall have a stop and waste valve on the street side of the meter. In no case shall more than 12 inches of pipe be exposed between the point of entrance through the basement floor and the stop and waste valve. A stop and waste valve shall also be installed on the house side of the meter.
      (4)   The water pipe connecting with the main shall not exceed 2 feet under the basement wall to the water meter connection.
      (5)   The inside meter and outside reading device should be set to identical starting readings to provide accurate tallies in the event of failure of outside device.
      (6)   Meter setting devices for 5/8-inch, 3/4-inch, and 1-inch meters shall be of copper pipe or tubing from the terminus of the service pipe up to and including the stop and waste valve on the building side.
   (B)   Location of stop boxes. Curb stop boxes shall be installed as near as possible to the curb if on a street or within 1 foot of the alley line if the main is located in the alley. They shall be installed at an approximate depth of 7 feet below the established grade and shall be left in an accurate vertical position when back-filling is completed. They shall also have an extension riser connected directly to the curb stop on any new construction and replacement construction.
(Ord. 238, passed 5-5-1-2006)
   This section supersedes all other sections not in conformance with this section.
   (A)   No person shall build, establish, expand or maintain a private water supply system within the city.
   (B)   Where the municipal water system is available to any parcel of property within the city, the owner of such parcel of property shall make connection to the municipal water system within 90 days after written notice of said availability has been served on the owner or occupant of the property.
   (C)   No water pipe of the city water supply system shall be connected with any pump, well, tank or piping that is connected with any other source of water supply.
   (D)   Any private water supply system in effect prior to August 14, 2013 may be maintained and continued in use after connection is made to the city water supply system, provided there is no means of cross-connection between the private water supply system and the city water supply system at any time.
   (E)   M.S. § 1031.301 requires a property owner to have his or her well properly sealed by a licensed well contractor if the well is contaminated or may spread contamination, if it has been improperly sealed in the past, if it threatens the quality of groundwater, if it is a safety or health hazard, or if it is not in use.
   (F)   Any violation of this section shall be considered a misdemeanor punishable by the misdemeanor fines and penalties set forth in M.S. § 609.02, Subdivision 3, or any laws amending or replacing such law.
(Ord. 2013-09, passed 8-19-2013)
   (A)   Property owner’s responsibility. The service line from the sewer main to the building being served is the property owner's responsibility. Any maintenance, such as blockages, breaks, valves, bad connections, jetter cleaning, televising, etc. is the responsibility of the property owner. If, for any reason, the City of Madison Lake would need to work on a sewer service line, the expenses incurred while doing the necessary work will be billed to the property owner.
   (B)   Unauthorized connections. No unauthorized person shall uncover, make any connection with or opening into, use alter, or disturb any public sewer or appurtenance without first obtaining a permit form the City Clerk or otherwise complying with the provision of this chapter.
   (C)   Permit and bond. A permit for construction of the extension between a building drain and the sewer main stub, herein called the building sewer, and for connecting it to the sewer main stub shall be issued only to a master plumber who has furnished a bond conditioned so as to secure compliance by the principal with the provisions of this chapter and to further secure performance by him or her of all work undertaken within the city.
   (D)   Indemnification by owner. The owner shall bear the costs and expenses incident to the installation and connection of the building sewer. He or she shall indemnify the city for any loss or damage directly or indirectly caused by its installation. To the extent he or she deems necessary, the Plumbing Inspector shall establish rules and regulations for the proper implementation of these requirements which, when approved by the Council by resolution, shall govern the installation of building sewers and connections.
   (E)   Requirements for building a sewer. Building sewer construction shall meet the requirements of the Minnesota State Plumbing Code and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the Minnesota Department of Health.
   (F)   Inspection and approval. The applicant for the building sewer permit shall notify the Plumbing Inspector when the sewer and connection is ready for inspection. The connection shall be made under the supervision of the Plumbing Inspector or his or her representative. No back fill shall be placed until the work has been inspected and approved.
   (G)   Sewer service line. The service line from the sewer main to the building being served, is the property owner's responsibility. Any maintenance, such as blockages, breaks, valves, bad connections, jetter cleaning, televising, etc. is the responsibility of the property owner. If for any reason the city would have to work on a sewer service line the expenses incurred when doing the necessary work will be billed to the property owner or against the property.
(Ord. 238, passed 5-1-2006)