(A)   A certificate of appropriateness issued by the Building Inspector after approval by the Board of Review shall be required before a permit is issued for any of the following:
      (1)   Within all areas of the historic district:
         (a)   Demolition of any building;
         (b)   Moving any building;
         (c)   Conspicuous change in the exterior appearance of existing buildings classified as historic by additions, reconstruction, or alteration other than changes in color;
         (d)   Any new construction of a principal building or accessory building or structure subject to view from a public street;
         (e)   Demolition of all trees within the area between a line extending across the width of the lot at the front face of the principal building and the street pavement. In addition, for corner lots, demolition of all trees within the area between a line extending across the length of the lot at the side facing the secondary street and the secondary street pavement. In addition, demolition of all trees south of Vaughn Drive. No tree will be demolished within the designated areas until the Building Inspector makes a determination that the tree is in fact dead; the Building Inspector will make a prompt examination of the trees when requested;
         (f)   Any change in the type of material or in the design of an existing sidewalk; and
         (g)   Signs as specified in this chapter.
      (2)   Within a primary area:
         (a)   Change in existing walls and fences, or construction of new walls and fences, if along public street rights-of-way; or
         (b)   Conspicuous change in the exterior appearance of existing nonrated buildings by additions, reconstruction, alteration, if subject to view from a public street.
   (B)   Nothing in this chapter shall be construed so as to prevent the ordinary maintenance or repair of any exterior elements of any building or structure within the historic district. Painting other than painting of a sign is to be considered ordinary maintenance and repair; while review by the Board of Review of colors is not mandatory, anyone desiring an exterior color change may confer with the Board on an appropriate range of colors.
(Ord. 1982-12, passed 7-31-82; Am. Ord. 1987-12-B, passed 7-21-87)