For the following uses accessory off-street parking spaces shall be provided as required hereinafter. Parking spaces required on an employee basis shall be based on the maximum number of employees on duty or residing, or both, on the premises at any one time. When employee parking is required it shall be provided on the basis of one space for each one and one-half employees.
Number of Parking Spaces
Residential, Civic, Educational, Institutional
Number of Parking Spaces
Residential, Civic, Educational, Institutional
Apartment Hotels
Two for each dwelling unit
Churches or Auditoriums
One per four seats for the largest seating area
Elementary and Junior High Schools
One per 500 square feet of classroom area Employee parking required
Senior High Schools
One for each 200 square feet of classroom area Employee parking required
Libraries and Museums
One for each 500 square feet of total floor area
Municipal Buildings
One for each 300 square feet of total floor area
Lodging Houses
One for each dwelling unit or lodging room; two for the owner or manager.
Employee parking required.
Mobile Home Park or Court
Two for each mobile home plus one for each two mobile homes for visitors and the parking of recreational vehicles
Motels and Motor Hotels
One for each dwelling unit or lodging room
Employee parking required
Multiple-Family Dwelling
Two for each dwelling unit
One-Family Dwelling
Two for each dwelling unit
Private Clubs, Lodges and Dormitories with Sleeping Facilities for Guests
One for each lodging room in dormitories, each 100 square feet shall be considered equivalent to a lodging room
Employee parking required
Two-Family Dwelling
Two for each dwelling unit
Multi-Family Efficiency
One and one-half per dwelling unit
Multi-Family One Bedroom
Two for each dwelling unit
Retail and Services Uses
Automobile Car Wash
On review
Automobile Service Stations
On review
On review
Bowling Alleys
Four parking spaces shall be provided for each alley, plus such additional spaces as may be required herein for affiliated uses - bars, restaurants and the like
Drive-In Restaurants
On review
One parking space shall be provided for each five seats, or for each 50 square feet of floor area used for assembly or seating purposes, whichever gives the greater number of spaces
Furniture and Appliance Stores, Household Equipment or Furniture Repair Stores
Three times the net retail space divided by 350 square feet plus warehouse requirements
Home Occupations
Two spaces for each 200 square feet of floor space utilized in addition to the parking requirements of the dwelling unit
Motor Vehicle Sales and Machinery Sales
One parking space shall be provided for each 300 square feet of total floor area
Municipal or Privately Owned Recreation Building or Community Centers
One parking space shall be provided for each 1½ employees, plus spaces adequate in number as determined by the Administrative Official to serve the visiting public
Retail Stores
One parking space shall be provided for each 200 square feet of floor area
Shopping Centers and Combined Commercial/Office or Service Uses
Five and one-half parking spaces for each 1,000 square feet of gross leasable area
Theaters (indoor) and Stage
One parking space shall be provided for each five seats
Theaters - Automobile Drive-In
At least ten stacking spaces or at least eight for each entrance at the ticket booths
Undertaking Establishments, Funeral Parlors
Ten parking spaces shall be provided for each chapel or parlor, or one space for each five seats whichever is greater, plus one parking space for each funeral vehicle kept on the premises. Employee parking required.
Office Uses
Business, Professional and Governmental Offices
One parking space shall be provided for each 300 square feet of floor area plus one space for each company or business vehicle
Industrial Uses
1.  Industrial Uses of All Types, Except Warehousing and Transportation Terminals, less than 250,000 square feet of gross area:
Employee Parking
One parking space per 1½ employees on maximum shift or not less than one parking space for each 500 square feet of gross floor area; when more than one shift is employed, parking for both shifts shall be provided, unless sufficient time is allowed between shifts to provide for the maximum use of the required parking
Visitor Parking
One parking space for each 25 employees on main shift, with a minimum of two parking spaces and a maximum of 20 required visitor spaces
Company Vehicles
One parking space to accommodate each company-owned or leased truck or vehicle usually found on the premises; size of parking spaces for trucks shall be approved by the Administrative Official
2.  Industrial Use of All Types, Except Warehousing and Transportation Terminals, mote than 250,000 square feet of gross floor area:
Employee Parking
One parking space per 1½ employees on site at maximum shift, or not less than one for each 500 square feet; then one parking space for each 1,000 square feet of floor area, except where a reduction in the required parking is approved by the Administrative Official
Visitor Parking
One parking space for each 25 employees on main shifts, with a minimum of two parking spaces and a maximum of 20 required visitor parking spaces
Company Vehicles
One parking space to accommodate each company-owned or leased truck or vehicle usually found on the premises; size of parking spaces for trucks shall be approved by the Administrative Official
3.  Warehousing:
Employee Parking
One parking space for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area or one parking space for each 1½ employees, whichever is greater; whenever all or any portion of a warehouse area, facility or building is proposed to be converted, remodeled, or changed to a nonwarehouse use, the number of parking spaces required by this section for the intended use shall be secured and provided for prior to conversion to use or remodeling of the warehouse facility or building
Company Vehicles
One parking space to accommodate each company-owned or leased truck or vehicle usually found on the premise; size of parking space for trucks shall be approved by the Administrative Official
4.  Transportation or Trucking Yard Terminals:
Employee Parking
One parking space for each 1,000 square feet of warehousing, shop area, or loading area and one parking space for each driver of a company vehicle which is dispatched from the terminal
Company Vehicle
One parking space to accommodate each company-owned or leased truck or vehicle usually found on the premises; size of parking space for trucks shall be approved by the Administrative Official
(Ord. 887, § 5.18, passed - -)  Penalty, see § 155.999