A developer may include land designated for dedication for public school or public park use, which land may be considered part of the gross acreage of the development in computing the maximum number of lots that may be created or dwelling units that may be authorized provided that:
   (A)   When parks and schools are to be combined, dedications should be based on the following:
Type of Facility
Minimum Area in Acres
1.  Elementary School
3 acres plus 1 acre per 100 pupils
2.  Junior High School
10 acres plus 2 acres per 100 pupils*
3.  Senior High School
20 acres plus 2 acres per 100 pupils*
4.  Neighborhood Park and Playground when combined with elementary school ground meeting above standard
2 acres per 1,000 population
* Exclusive of athletic fields for inter-school competition
   (B)   If not combined, no tract of less than five acres should be dedicated for public school use, or five acres for public park use; however, a tract of land, less than this minimum, may be accepted for dedication for public school or public park use, if it is an addition to an existing or proposed park or school site respectively, or is recommended for approval by the Administrative Officer;
   (C)   The proposed site is dedicated to public school or public park use in a manner approved by the Municipal Attorney as to legal form prior to recording of the subdivision plat;
   (D)   The School District accepts the proposed public school dedication and furnishes notification in writing to the Zoning Board of Appeals prior to the recording of the subdivision plat;
   (E)   Prior to the recording of the subdivision plat, a written agreement between the petitioner and the School District shall be submitted to the Zoning Board of Appeals for review and approval, which agreement shall indicate who is responsible for the installation of required improvements and indicate when the improvements will be installed;
   (F)   The Administrative Official recommends the proposed public park dedication, in writing, to the Zoning Board of Appeals, prior to the recording of the subdivision plat;
   (G)   The subdivision plat for record identifies the boundaries of the dedicated tract(s) within the P.U.D.;
   (H)   The deed of dedication for public park or public school use shall provide that in the event the property shall no longer be used for the purpose it will revert to the trustees of the subdivision in which it is located as common land. The trust indenture required shall provide for the manner in which the common land shall be controlled and maintained.
(Ord. 887, § 4.21, passed - -)  Penalty, see § 155.999