(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person. firm or corporation within the city or within one mile of the present or future city limits, to engage in the business of slaughtering animals for food, packing them for market, or cleaning the intestines thereof, or rendering offal, fat, bones or scraps therefrom, or, of any dead carcasses or animal matter whatever, or to engage in the manufacture or production of fertilizer or glue therefrom or the manufacture of the same into fertilizing matter, or changing the form thereof in any manner by the use of heat, steam, fire or chemicals, or otherwise, without previously having obtained a license for such business.
   (B)   The Mayor shall from time to time, cause to be issued licenses to such persons or corporations as shall apply therefor and shall produce to him or her satisfactory evidence of their good character to exercise and carry on such business in the manner following and not otherwise.
   (C)   Any person or corporation desiring a license under the provisions of this section within the city or within one mile of the present or future limits thereof, shall make written application therefore to the Mayor, in which application shall be described the location at which said business is proposed to be carried on. Such application shall be accompanied by evidence that the applicant, if an individual, or the person or persons in charge of the business, if a corporation, is or are persons of good character or reputation, and are suitable persons to be entrusted with the conduct of such business.
   (D)   The annual license fee to conduct the business of rendering, packing meat for shipment, slaughtering, glue making, soap making, or any business of the character herein authorized, shall be $200. In addition thereto all persons or corporations conducting a rendering business shall pay an annual fee of $10 for each rendering tank, and no two plants for conducting any of the businesses herein authorized shall be carried on under one license.
   (E)   Any license granted under the provisions of this section may be revoked upon written notice by the Mayor whenever it shall appear to his or her satisfaction that the parties so licensed have violated any of the provisions of this or any other ordinance of the city, or any law of the state, relating to said business of slaughtering, rendering, packing, and manufacture of fertilizer or glue, or other by-products of animal matter.
   (F)   No owner or person in possession, charge or control of a slaughter house shall slaughter cattle, sheep or hogs between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m. or on Sundays without first notifying the City Health Officer. No carcass of any dead animal shall be brought into any slaughter house in the city.
   (G)   The keeping and slaughtering of live stock and the preparation and keeping of all meat, fish, birds, fowls, and the rendering of all animal matter and the manufacture of glue and all by-products from animal matter shall be conducted in that manner which is or is generally reputed or known to be the best adapted to secure and continue their safety and wholesomeness as food, and to avoid all offensiveness of such keeping, slaughtering, rendering and manufacturing. All offensive odors arising from the handling of meat or other animal matter, melting or rendering, the treating of and caring for offal, blood or any other material stored or manufactured shall be destroyed by combustion, condensation, or other means equally effective, and according to the best and approved means and process, and not allowed to escape into the outside air.
   (H)   No offal or butcher's refuse shall be conveyed through any street, avenue, alley or public place within the city without a permit from the City Health Officer, and when so conveyed shall be in vehicles constructed of one or more tight compartments.
   (I)   It shall constitute, and is hereby declared to be a nuisance, for any person to so steam or boil, or in any way render any animal substance as to occasion any offensive smell, or which by undergoing such process so taints the airs as to render it unwholesome or offensive to the smell or detrimental to health, within the limits of the city, or within a distance of one mile therefrom. The City Health Officer or any member of the Board of Health shall be permitted free entrance at all hours of the day or night to all buildings used for the purposes specified in this section and to make free and unrestrained examination of all apparatus or utensils used in such manufacture, or in the disposition of gases generated in such manufacture and all matters and things relative to the health of the community.
   (J)   No animals shall be slaughtered or the meat or any part thereof dressed or hung wholly or partly, within any streets, avenue or sidewalk or public alley or place; nor shall any blood or dirty water or other substance from such animal meat, or place of killing, or the appurtenances thereof, be allowed to run, fall or to be in any such street, avenue, sidewalk, public alley or place. Every slaughter house or any part thereof, shall at all times be kept adequately and thoroughly ventilated, and no blood shall be allowed to remain therein over night, and adequate underground connections shall be made from every such building with a public sewer, and the floor of any building on which slaughtering is done, and any yard connected therewith shall be cemented and paved with brick or other suitable material, so as not to absorb blood, and so as to carry all liquid into the sewers. No substances, other than liquid, shall be deposited or caused to run into the sewers of the city, nor shall such an amount of such liquid be deposited or run into said sewers, at any time, as will overtax their capacity, thereby causing such liquid to overflow from said sewers into any street, alley, lot, dwelling house, building, or other place in the city.
   (K)   No person shall boil any offal, swill or bones, nor any fat, tallow or lard, except while the same is fresh and otherwise inoffensive, nor shall the business of bone crushing, bone boiling, bone grinding, bone burning, shell burning, gut cleaning, nor the skinning of or making of glue from any dead animal or part thereof, nor the storage or keeping of scrap, fat or grease or offensive animal matter be permitted or conducted at any place within the limits of the city, or within one mile thereof, in such a manner as to generate any offensive or deleterious gas, vapor deposit or exhalation that is dangerous or detrimental to life or health. Every person engaged in the business of boiling or rendering of fat, lard or animal matter, shall cause the scrap or residuum to be so dried or otherwise prepared as effectually to deprive such material of all offensive odors, and to preserve the same entirely inoffensive immediately after the removal thereof from the receptacles in which the rendering process may be conducted.
   (L)   It shall be unlawful for any person or corporation to carry on, establish, prosecute or continue within the city, or within one mile thereof, the occupation, trade or business of skinning or rendering dead animals not proper for use as food, and every such establishment or place of such business existing within the city limits or within one mile thereof, is hereby declared a nuisance, and such trade, occupation or business shall be forthwith abated and discontinued.
   (M)   No person or corporation shall use any packing or slaughter house or any place which is occupied for the purpose of slaughtering or rendering cattle, sheep and hogs or dressing, cleaning, treating or preparing for shipment and canning, meats and other foodstuff by hand or machinery, for housing, sheltering and harboring of its employees or other persons or cause or permit the same to be used as sleeping quarters and living apartments by such employees or other persons. Any such house or place so used or occupied for sleeping or living purposes is hereby declared to be a nuisance.
   (N)   For the purpose of carrying any of the provisions of this section into effect it shall be the duty of the City Health Officer to cause to be detailed a sufficient number of police immediately upon complaint of any citizen to make a through and systematic examination of any plant or plants and building or buildings, and to ascertain and report any violations of this section and for this purpose investigators shall be permitted at all times to visit or enter upon any building, lot or ground within the city limits and make examination thereof. Whenever any nuisance shall be found upon any such premises the City Health Officer is hereby authorized and directed to cause the same to be summarily abated in such manner as he or she may direct.
(Ord. 1612, passed 5-6-2003)  Penalty, see § 127.99