(A)   The fines and penalties, which shall be imposed for vehicular standing, parking or compliance violation(s), shall be as follows:
Fine Payment Schedule Part One -
No Hearing Requested
Fine Schedule
General Fine Amount
Handicapped Fine Amount
Traffic Compliance
Step 1:  Upon service of a violation notice issued and paid within ten days of the violation notice issuance, and no request for hearing has been timely filed
Step 2:  Having failed to pay the fine amount by the deadline date (within ten days of the violation notice issuance) as specified in Step 1, if paid after the deadline date in Step 1 above, but within 30 days of the violation notice issuance, and no request for hearing has been timely filed
Step 3:  Having failed to pay the fine amount by the deadline date (within 30 days of the violation notice issuance) as specified in Step 2, if paid after the deadline date in Step 2 above, but within 60 days of the violation notice issuance, and no request for hearing has been timely filed
Step 4:  Having failed to pay the fine amount by the deadline date (within 60 days of the violation notice issuance) as specified in Step 3, if paid after the deadline date in Step 3 above, but within 90 days of the violation notice issuance, and no request for hearing has been timely filed
Step 5:  Having failed to pay the fine amount by the deadline date (within 90 days of the violation notice issuance) as specified in Step 4, if paid after the deadline date in Step 4 above, and no request for hearing has been timely filed
Fine Payment Schedule Part Two - Hearing Requested,
Held and Finding of Liability Made
Fine Schedule
General Fine Amount
Handicapped Fine Amount
Traffic Compliance
Step A: Upon the issuance of a violation notice and a timely request for hearing being made and a finding of liability at said hearing being made and paid within ten days of the finding of liability
Step B: Having failed to pay the fine amount by the deadline date (within ten days of the finding of liability) as specified in Step A, if paid after the deadline date in Step A above, but within 30 days of the finding of liability
Step C: Having failed to pay the fine amount by the deadline date (within 30 days of the finding of liability) as specified in Step B, if paid after the deadline date in Step B above, but within 60 days of the finding of liability
Step D: Having failed to pay the fine amount by the deadline date (within 60 days of the finding of liability) as specified in Step C, if paid after the deadline date in Step C above, but within 90 days of the finding of liability
Step E: Having failed to pay the fine amount by the deadline date (within 90 days of the finding of liability) as specified in Step D, if paid after the deadline date in Step D above
   (B)   (1)   The fines and penalties herein set forth shall be uniformly applied for each violation of any applicable city ordinance.
      (2)   Any person subject to fine and penalty under Fine Payment Schedule Part Two, Steps A, B, C, or D who files a timely petition to set aside pursuant to § 73.07, or who seeks judicial review as referenced in § 73.12, may avoid the increase of the next and subsequent steps by paying the amount indicated by the applicable step at the time of payment. If under § 73.07 a finding of no liability is made or if the fine is reversed on judicial review, the city shall refund said fine and penalties paid under this section.
   (C)   The city adopts by reference all current and future local standing, parking or condition of vehicle ordinances and those provisions of the State Complied Statues governing the standing, parking or condition of vehicles for its enforcement and adjudication within the geographical boundaries of the city and in those areas subject to off-street parking agreements.
(Ord. 1415, passed 4-21-1998; Am. Ord. 1607, passed 3-25-2003)