Before approving a proposed site plan, the Director shall determine that the proposed action is in compliance with all applicable provisions of the City Municipal Code, City General Plan, any applicable specific plans, all rules and regulations applicable to the proposed development, that facilities and improvements, vehicular and pedestrian ingress, egress, and internal circulation, location of structures, services, walls, landscaping, and drainage of the site are so arranged that traffic congestion is avoided, that pedestrian and vehicular safety and welfare are protected, that there will not be adverse effects on surrounding property, that proposed lighting is so arranged as to deflect the light away from adjoining properties or public streets and that adequate provision is made to reduce adverse or potentially adverse environmental impacts to acceptable levels. In making such determination the Director shall establish that approvals are consistent with established legislative policies relating to traffic safety, street dedications, street improvements, and environmental quality. In situations where a project could have adverse impacts on traffic or circulation outside the immediate project area, the Director, with input from City Department Heads, may find that additional improvements are required.
('61 Code, § 10-3.4.0106) (Ord. 507 C.S., passed 10-19-88)