The Planning Commission shall require conformance with the standards of this section in approving the map.
   (A)   Building regulations. The project shall conform to the applicable standards of the Uniform Building Code in effect on the date that the last building permit was issued for the subject structure or structures except as herein provided.
   (B)   Fire prevention.
      (1)   Smoke detectors. Each living unit shall be provided with approved detectors of products of combustion other than heat, conforming to the latest U.B.C. standards, mounted on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to rooms used for sleeping purposes.
      (2)   Maintenance of fire protection systems. All fire hydrants, fire alarm systems, portable fire extinguishers, and other fire protective appliances shall be retained in an operable condition at all times.
   (C)   Sound transmission.
      (1)   Shock mounting of mechanical equipment. All permanent mechanical equipment, such as motors, compressors, pumps, and compactors, which is determined to be a source of structural vibration or structure-borne noise shall be shock mounted with inertia blocks or bases and/or vibration isolators in a manner approved by the Chief of Code Enforcement.
      (2)   Noise standards. The structure shall conform to all exterior and exterior sound transmission standards of Chapter 35 (Appendix) of the Uniform Building Code. In such cases where present standards cannot reasonably be met, the Planning Commission may require the applicant to notify potential buyers of the noise deficiency currently existing within these units.
   (D)   Utility metering. Each dwelling unit shall be separately metered for gas and electricity. A plan for equitable sharing of communal water metering shall be developed prior to final map approval and included in the covenants, conditions, and restrictions. In such cases where the subdivider can demonstrate that this standard cannot or should not reasonably be met, this standard may be modified by the Planning Commission.
   (E)   Private storage space. Each unit shall have at least 200 cubic feet of enclosed weather-proofed and lockable private storage space in addition to guest, linen, pantry, and clothes closets customarily provided. Such space may be provided in any location approved by the Planning Department, but shall not be divided into two or more locations. In such cases where the subdivider can demonstrate that this standard cannot or should not reasonably be met, this standard may be modified by the Planning Commission.
   (F)   Laundry facilities. A laundry area shall be provided on each unit; or if common laundry areas are provided, such facilities shall consist of not less than one automatic washer and dryer for each five units or fraction thereof. In such cases where the subdivider can demonstrate that this standard cannot or should not reasonably be met, this standard may be modified by the Planning Commission.
   (G)   Landscape maintenance. All landscaping shall be restored as necessary and maintained to achieve a high degree of appearance and quality.
   (H)   Condition of equipment and appliances. The developer shall provide written certification to the buyer of each unit at the close of escrow that any dishwashers, garbage disposals, stoves, refrigerators, hot water tanks, and air conditioners that are provided are in operable working condition as of the close of escrow. At such time as the homeowners' association takes over management of the development, the developer shall provide written certification to the association that any pool and pool equipment (filter, pumps, chlorinator) and any appliances and mechanical equipment to be owned in common by the association is in operable working condition.
   (I)   Refurbishing and restoration. All main buildings, structures, fences, patio enclosures, carports, accessory buildings, sidewalks, driveways, landscaped areas, and additional elements as required by the Planning Department shall be refurbished and restored as necessary to achieve a high degree of appearance, quality, and safety.
('61 Code, § 10-2.603.2) (Ord. 252 C.S., passed 8-3-81)