The City Engineer shall be responsible for:
(A) Establishing design and construction details, standards, and specifications;
(B) Determining if proposed subdivision improvements comply with the provisions of this chapter and the Map Act and for reporting the findings together with any recommendations for approval, or conditional approval, of the tentative map to the Planning Director for subdivisions of five or more parcels.
(C) The processing and certification of final maps, reversion to acreage maps, and amended maps; the processing and approval of subdivision improvement plans, lot line adjustments, mergers, and certificates of compliance.
(D) The inspection and approval of subdivision improvements.
(E) The acceptance of dedications and improvements for subdivisions of four or less parcels.
(F) The acceptance of private improvements (improvements not to be maintained by the city).
(G) The approval, conditional approval, or denial of the tentative maps for subdivisions of four or less parcels. ('61 Code, § 10-2.202.3) (Ord. 252 C.S., passed 8-3-81)