All Planning Commissioner terms of office and filing of vacancies shall be as follows:
   (A)   Initial Selection of Commission Members. Each Council Member, inclusive of the Mayor, shall nominate one person each for the seven member Commission. Should one or more Council Members waive their nomination, such Planning Commission vacancy shall be filled by a nominee proposed by the Council as a whole. All nominees shall be appointed upon the adoption of a resolution of appointment approved by at least four members of the Council.
   (B)   Subsequent Appointments of Commission Members. After the initial appointment of Commissioners as provided in this chapter, any vacancy created by the resignation, removal or end of the term of office of a Planning Commissioner, shall be as provided in subsection (A) above except that the nomination to fill the vacancy shall be made by the Council Member who originally nominated the person whose leaving office has created the vacancy. Should the Council Member who made the original nomination no longer be serving as a Council Member then such nomination shall be made by a Council Member who has not yet made or waived their opportunity to nominate a person to serve on the Commission. Subsequent to the expansion of the City Council to seven members inclusive of the Mayor, at the expiration of the terms of Planning Commissioners serving pursuant to appointment by the Council as a whole, nominations to fill such vacancies shall be made by a Council Member who has not yet made or waived their opportunity to nominate a person to serve on the Commission. Every position filled by the Council as a whole as a result of a Council Member having waived their appointment shall be filled as provided herein as if the Council Member who waived their nomination had actually made the original nomination for such Commission position.
   (C)   Term of office. Each Commission member who was nominated by an individual Council Member shall serve a term of four years or until the Council Member who nominated such Commissioner is no longer serving as a Council Member, whichever period is less. The term of any Commissioner who was to be appointed by a Council Member but who was nominated by the Council as a whole because the Council Member waived their nomination shall serve a term of four years or until the Council Member who was to make such appointment is no longer serving, whichever period is less. Any member whose term expires shall continue until he/she is reappointed or his/her successor is appointed.
(Ord. 642 C.S., passed 9-20-95; Am. Ord. 668 C.S., passed 3-19-97; Am. Ord. 879 C.S., passed 12-1-10; Am. Ord. 906 C.S., passed 7-17-13)