(A)   No vested right or property interest of any type is acquired by a taxicab permit or taxicab driver's permit issued to any person under this chapter.
   (B)   All taxicab permits and taxicab driver's permits are revocable and subject to suspension in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, and are to be exercised only in conformance with the regulations provided in this chapter.
   (C)   A permittee shall not permit any right or privilege granted by his or her permit to be exercised by another, nor shall his or her permit or any interest therein or any right or privilege there under be sold, transferred, leased, assigned or otherwise disposed of except as provided in this chapter. A transfer in violation of this subsection shall be grounds for revocation or suspension of the permit. Upon the death of any taxicab permittee, the permit may be exercised by the executor or administrator of the deceased permittee's estate during the period of estate administration. The period shall not exceed one year from the permittee's death.
      (1)   A deceased permittee's surviving heir(s) who inherits the permittee’s entire taxicab company may reapply for taxicab permits in an amount equal to the permits possessed by the deceased permittee.
      (2)   A permittee may sell his/her taxicab company, or one or more taxicabs, to another current permittee without invoking any minimum permit regulations in force at that time. The permittee purchasing the taxicabs may then apply for taxicab permits for all the taxicabs for which the selling company possessed permits. Any permittee purchasing such taxicabs who is otherwise not required to operate under a radio-dispatched system shall be required to so operate as a result of such purchase.
   (D)   The renewal fee for each taxicab permit shall be the annual amount designated in the Master Fee Resolution. If any permit is not exercised, the fee shall not be refunded. The fee required is a permit fee and shall not be deemed to be in lieu of a business license tax as required by the provisions of this code. Prior to the payment of the annual permit renewal fee for a taxicab permit the permittee must submit a valid State of California vehicle registration card.
   (E)   A permittee who has a taxicab permit but does not exercise this permit due to the taxicab vehicle being out-of-service, wrecked, unavailable for service, or without liability insurance, for a period of 180 days shall automatically forfeit that permit, except for those vehicles mentioned in subsection (H) of this section.
   (F)   Taxicab driver's permits are annual permits which expire on the following June 30, provided, that whenever a taxicab driver's permit has been applied for and issued within a period of 60 days before June 30, it shall be valid when issued and may be issued for the next ensuing year. Application for renewal must be received by the City Administrator or his or her designee before expiration of the permit and will require a records update from the Police Department and will, if permittee has been arrested within the past 12 months, require the permittee to be fingerprinted. The City Administrator or his or her designee shall determine whether the permittee possesses a valid California Class "B" driver's license or a Class "C" license with the required medical examination.
   (G)   The renewal fee for a taxicab driver's permit shall be the annual amount designated in the Master Fee Resolution. If any permit is not exercised, the fee shall not be refunded.
   (H)   Each taxicab permit holder may have one additional vehicle, which must be permitted, insured, and otherwise ready for use, for every three permits he or she holds.
('61 Code, § 4-5.08) (Ord. 145 N.S., passed - - ; Am. Ord. 801 C.S., passed 9-6-06; Am. Ord. 941 C.S., passed 6-7-17)