1172.01 PURPOSE.
   (a)   The purpose of the regulations in this chapter is to provide criteria to be used by the City Architect and the City Planning Commission when evaluating the appropriateness of proposed development in the City of Macedonia so that future developments, when determined to comply with these standards, will: maintain the appearance and character of properties, protect the real estate within the City from impairment or destruction of value, and protect the public health, safety, convenience and welfare of the residents of the City of Macedonia.
   (b)   It is the further purpose of this chapter to establish additional standards for the Town Center area to maintain and foster the general architectural characteristics common to the Western Reserve area which is the prevailing character established by the development that has recently occurred in the Town Center area. The uniqueness of this prevailing character of the area will be enhanced through the use of certain finish materials, window/door location and decoration, roof materials and styles and other building elements as set forth herein. The general boundaries of the Town Center area are described in Section 1172.03(a).
(Ord. 13-1995. Passed 3-9-95.)