(a)    Uses Permitted.
      (1)    Single-family dwellings, playgrounds and publicly owned parks.
      (2)    The following accessory uses are permitted: home occupations, including residential professional offices, as defined in Section 1133.02(12) and (19) and regulated in Section 1171.17; and roadside stands as defined in Section 1133.02(20).
      (3)    Churches, schools, public buildings, provided such uses do not substantially depreciate property values in the neighborhood or are not out of harmony with the uses established in the neighborhood, and do not create a public hazard and are in conformity with (a)(1) and (2) hereof. Parking space must be provided for off street parking for all users of such building.
      (4)    Certain retail stores, restaurants, administrative offices, recreational uses and community facilities, in existing residential structures, may be approved as conditional uses when complying with all the criteria and standards of Section 1171.15 and approved according to the procedures of Section 1137.04.
         (Ord. 121-1990. Passed 3-14-91.)
      (5)    Planned Unit Developments, when approved as a Conditional Use according to Section 1137.04, with such approval confirmed by a majority of Council, and developed in accordance with the standards of Section 1163.05, with the exception that
         A.    The maximum density shall be two units per acre,
         B.    Only single-family, two-family and townhouses with a maximum of four units per building shall be permitted, and
         C.    The maximum density in any single acre shall not exceed six units. (Ord. 3-1989. Passed 7-7-89.)
   (b)    Area Regulations. Each dwelling or main building shall have a lot measured at the building set back line, of not less than 100 feet in width and not less than eighty feet measured along the front property line.
(Ord. 41-1962. Passed 7-31-62.)
   (c)    Setback Lines. 
      (1)    The minimum setback line for any building or structure erected upon a lot shall be 100 feet from the center line of the road or street.
      (2)    In the case of a corner lot, any building erected on such corner lot shall be set back no less than forty feet from the side street right-of-way line of such corner lot nor less than ten feet from the rear line thereof.
         (Ord. 87-1988. Passed 10-27-88.)
   (d)    Side and Rear Yards. No building or structure shall be placed or erected nearer than ten feet to a side lot line or nearer than five feet to the rear lot line.
(Ord. 41-1962. Passed 7-31-62.)
   (e)    Minimum Size of Dwelling Units. 
      (1)    Each single-family dwelling shall have minimum floor area, exclusive of basements, breezeways, attics, garages and similar accessory structures. according to the following:
         A.    1,350 square feet for a dwelling with a basement; and
         B.    1,500 square feet for a dwelling without a basement provided that any dwelling with more than one story shall have a minimum area of 850 square feet for any one of its floors.
      (2)    In addition to the areas specified in subsection (e)(1) hereof, all dwelling units shall have an additional 150 square feet for each bedroom over three.
      (3)    All dwellings shall be constructed with an accessory two-car garage which shall have a minimum floor area of 400 square feet.
      (4)    A basement is:
         A.    A floor with its elevation more than three feet below the finished grade; or
         B.    A floor which is less than three feet below finished grade but does not have the minimum window area for the intended use as required by applicable building codes.
      (5)    All dwelling unit construction established immediately prior to the effective date of Ordinance 42-1982 which conformed to the then existing requirements of this section shall be considered conforming to this section; and such units when damaged shall not be restricted by the present requirements of this section from reconstruction to prior size. (Ord. 11-1983. Passed 2-24-83. )
   (f)    Minimum Lot Area. The minimum lot area shall be 20,000 square feet.
(Ord. 65-62. Passed 11-20-62.)
   (g)    Projections into Yards. Except as provided herein, every part of a required yard shall be open and unobstructed from the ground to the sky. No obstruction shall be placed between any setback line and its respective lot line except for the following:
      (1)    Overhanging eaves and gutters projecting three feet or less;
      (2)    Belt courses, sills, lintels projecting six inches or less;
      (3)    Chimneys, porticos, balconies, or bays projecting not more than three feet exclusive of cornices and aggregating a vertical area in any story of not more than thirty-five percent (35%) of the area of the front of that story;
      (4)    Awnings, canopies and roofs over entrance doorways projecting three feet or less;
      (5)    Planting boxes with two feet maximum height limit above adjoining grade;
      (6)    Trees, shrubs, flowers and other plants;
      (7)    Fences, as regulated by Section 1171.16.
         (Ord. 25-1987. Passed 8-13-87.)
   (h)    Accessory Use Regulations. Accessory uses, buildings, and structures
permitted in this district shall conform to the following standards:
      (1)    Detached accessory buildings shall be located in a rear yard and shall comply with the side and rear yard requirements for buildings as specified in Section 1163.02(d) Side and Rear Yards.
      (2)   A maximum of one (1) detached private garage with a maximum area not exceeding 600 square feet shall be permitted on a lot.
      (3)   A maximum of one (1) other accessory building with a maximum area not exceeding 288 square feet shall be permitted on a lot, except two (2) accessory buildings shall be permitted if the combined square footage does not exceed 288 square feet.
      (4)    The maximum ground coverage of all accessory buildings shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the rear yard. The maximum ground coverage for all accessory buildings and structures combined shall not exceed thirty-five percent (35%) of the rear yard. The Planning Commission may approve maximum ground coverage of accessory uses in excess of thirty-five percent (35%) as a conditional use pursuant to Section 1137.04.
      (5)    Accessory buildings shall be constructed on and permanently fastened to a concrete slab and/or appropriate trench perimeter footings as approved by the Building and Zoning Inspector, not including structures 144 square feet or less.
      (6)    The maximum height of accessory buildings and structures shall be fifteen feet or the height of the main building, whichever is less and shall not be greater than one story.
      (7)    A detached accessory private garage shall have a pitched roof with a slope not less than 3:12.
         (Ord. 40-2020. Passed 6-11-20.)
   (i)    Provisions for Large Lots and Unique Sites. Larger accessory buildings pursuant to this section may be approved by the Planning Commission as a Conditional Use according to the procedures, review criteria and public hearing requirements of Sections 1137.04, Conditional Zoning Certificates, under the following conditions:
      (1)    In a rear yard on:
         A.    Any lot with a minimum of one acre; or
         B.    Any lot adjacent to unique features such as non-residential zoning, ravines, retention basins or utility easements where a larger accessory building would have no adverse impact on adjacent property,
         when the Planning Commission finds that there would be no adverse impact on the adjacent property provided that no accessory building pursuant to this section shall be approved when the combined area of all accessory buildings exceeds ten percent (10%) of the rear yard.
      (2)    In a front or side yard on lots of three acres or more provided the accessory building is a minimum of 150 feet from the street and fifty feet from a side lot line.
         (Ord. 89-1990. Passed 8-23-90.)
   (j)   Landscape Requirements. Any portion of a developed lot not used for permitted main and accessory uses shall be landscaped with grass, vegetative ground cover, shrubs and trees in accordance with an overall landscaping plan acceptable to the City. All lawns and landscaping shall be installed no later than twelve months after the final occupancy of the residence.
(Ord. 62-2001. Passed 7-26-01.)