(a)    Application for amendments to the Zoning Ordinance pursuant to Section 1141.01(c) shall be submitted to the Planning Commission upon such forms, and shall be accompanied by such data and information as may be prescribed for that purpose by the Planning Commission so as to assure the fullest practicable presentation of facts for the permanent record. Each such application shall be verified under oath by at least one of the owners or lessees of the property within the area proposed to be changed or affected, attesting to the truth and correctness of all facts and information presented with the application.
   (b)    The application shall include the names of all owners of property within and contiguous to and directly across the street from such parcel or parcels proposed to be reclassified or redistricted, and the addresses of such owners appearing on the current tax roll. (Ord. 30-1982. Passed 6-10-82.)