   (A)   The City Council may, in its jurisdiction, enact regulations permitting, prohibiting, and controlling the use of motor vehicles, minibikes, motorcycles, off-road recreation vehicles of any and all types, electric bicycles, other powered vehicles, electric personal assistive mobility devices, and vehicles which are not self-propelled. Any person who operates any of such vehicles without the permission of the City Council or its designated representative or in a place, time, or manner which has been prohibited by the City Council shall be guilty of an offense.
   (B)   The City Council may further authorize the supervising official of any area under its ownership or control to permit, control, or prohibit operation of any motor vehicle, minibike, motorcycle, off-road recreational vehicle of any or all types, electric bicycles, other powered vehicle, electric personal assistive mobility device, or vehicle which is not self-propelled on all or any portion of any area under its ownership or control at any time by posting or, in case of an emergency, by personal notice. Any person operating any such vehicle where prohibited, where not permitted, or in a manner so as to endanger the peace and safety of the public or as to harm or destroy the natural features or manmade features of any such area shall be guilty of an offense.
(Neb. RS 60-678) Penalty, see § 10.99
   The City Council may, by resolution, designate certain streets in the city that trucks shall travel upon, and it shall be unlawful for persons operating such trucks to travel on other streets than those designated for trucks; unless to pick up or deliver goods, wares, or merchandise, and in that event, the operator of such truck shall return to such truck routes as soon as possible in traveling through or about the city. The City Council shall cause notices to be posted, or shall erect signs indicating the streets so designated as truck routes.
(Prior Code, § 5-102) Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 39-6,189
   Vehicles turning to the right into an intersecting street shall approach such intersection in the lane of traffic nearest to the right-hand side of the highway, and must turn the corner as near the right hand curb as possible to keep between the curb to the right and the center of the intersection of the two streets. The driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the left shall approach such center line of the highway, and in turning, shall pass as near as possible to the center of the intersection, passing as closely as practicable to the right thereof before turning such vehicle to the left. For the purposes of this section, the CENTER OF THE INTERSECTION shall mean the meeting point of the medial lines of the highways intersecting one another.
(Prior Code, § 5-107)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 60-6,159