A.   Purpose: This zone is intended for the development of single- family detached units in suburban fringe and rural settings with a minimum lot size of two (2) net acres. Unless otherwise specified in this title, no more than one primary residence per parcel is permitted in this zoning district. The RR-2 Zone implements the low density residential land use designation of the Master Plan in Rural Character Districts.
   B.   Building Placement Requirements:
30 feet
Side street
30 feet
20 feet
10 feet
   C.   Building Form Requirements:
Building height (see subsection 15.330.03E of this title)
35 feet
Floor area ratio
   D.   Parking Requirements: See chapter 401, "Off-Street Parking And Loading", of this title.
   E.   Minimum Lot Requirements:
Lot size
2 net acres
Lot street frontage width
75 feet (30 feet if located on a cul-de-sac bulb)
   F.   Miscellaneous Requirements:
      1.   Accessory dwelling units of no more than one unit per two (2) gross acres are permitted subject to the following limitations:
         a.   Accessory dwelling units shall not exceed one thousand one hundred (1,100) square feet or fifty percent (50%) of the primary residence’s livable space, whichever is less.
         b.   Each dwelling unit shall be served by an individual well and septic system.
         c.   Each dwelling unit shall be separated by no less than fifty feet (50').
         d.   Accessory dwelling units shall not be entitled to additional accessory dwelling units.
         e.   Accessory dwelling units shall comply with the performance based standards contained in section 335.03 A.1.of this title. (Ord. 603, 11-1-2018; amd. Ord. 607, 9-19-2019)