When used in this chapter, the following words and terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section:
BOARD: The Lyon County board of commissioners.
KEY: A mechanical device used for operating a lock and includes, but is not limited to:
   A.   A change key or a key designed to operate a specific lock;
   B.   A manipulation key or a key designed so that when variously positioned in the keyways of locks will operate the locks;
   C.   A master key or a key designed to operate a series of locks which are individually operated by change keys;
   D.   A tryout key or a key that will operate a series of locks in a larger series of locks.
LOCK: A mechanical device furnished with a spring and a bolt or with a similar contrivance used for fastening a door, strong box, or other object and opened by means of a key or combination.
LOCKSMITH: A person whose occupation consists, in whole or in part, of:
   A.   Making, repairing or adjusting locks; or
   B.   Operating locks by mechanical means other than those intended by the manufacturers of the locks.
SAFE MECHANIC: A person whose occupation consists in whole or in part of repairing, operating, adjusting, or changing combinations on safes or vaults.
SHERIFF'S OFFICE: The Lyon County sheriff's office. (Ord. 549, 5-19-2011)