A.   Standard Business License: A standard business license may be issued to any business wishing to conduct an enterprise within the County.
   B.   Application:
      1.   All applications for a license under this chapter shall be made on the application and affidavit form used by the department.
      2.   Each applicant shall include the following information in the application:
         a.   The nature of the enterprise;
         b.   The address of the business;
         c.   The date on which the business will open;
         d.   Sufficient information to calculate fees under this chapter; and
         e.   The full name of the applicant;
            (1)   If a partnership, the full name of each partner;
            (2)   If a corporation, the state of incorporation and the full name of the designated agent within the County for the corporation; and
            (3)   If the business operates under a fictitious name, such name. (Ord. 594, 10-19-2017, eff. 11-1-2017)