This Chapter is enacted to provide for the controlled development of land which, by virtue of its location and unique characteristics, may be suitable for development using other than traditional zoning techniques. The Chapter is designed to foster development of property in accordance with the City’s planning and development policies. It is the intent of this Chapter to provide an alternative to conventional single-family residential development, which will permit development of unique areas, taking special care to properly buffer and integrate the new development with surrounding land uses. The Chapter is enacted to provide for appropriate performance standards to ensure that development of such areas conforms to certain minimum requirements necessary for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. Apart from the enactment of minimum standards, it is also the intent of this Chapter to facilitate high quality development of land, which enhances the appearance of neighborhoods, conserves green space, provides high quality construction and contributes to good urban design of the community. Upon approval of the City Council pursuant to the procedures outlined below, these regulations may be applied as a conditional use in the 10,000 square foot residential districts in the City.
(Ord. 2000-28. Passed 8-6-01.)