In addition to the fees for building permits provided in Section 1351.09, the following fees shall be collected by the Building Commissioner for electrical work:
Base Fee (Required for all permits unless otherwise noted)
Electric base board heat (per unit)
$10.00 per unit
$15.00 per unit
Generator - (site plan required) NOTE: Plumbing permit also required
$130.00 each
New outlets (receptacles, lighting fixtures, fans, switches, exit signs, emergency lighting fixtures) j-box, direct wired connections, etc.
$3.00 each
$5.00 each
220 Volt Outlets or Higher (range, oven, dryer, water heater, compactor, hair dryers, hot tubs, therapeutic pools, electric furnace, A/C condenser, window A/C units, hot tub, direct wired connections, etc.)
$10.00 each
$15.00 each
Panels - New or Replacement
$25.00 each
$30.00 each
Parking Lot Lighting Standards (over 8' in height)
$10.00 per each pole
Repair/Replace Mast/Service
Sign - For each, either internally or externally
$10.00 each
Solar Panels
Swimming Pool (includes Bonding)
Temporary Electrical Service
$10.00 each
Underground Wiring/Overhead Wiring
New Commercial Building
$200.00 base fee
* PLUS $30.00 per 100 sq. ft. or fraction thereof
Additions or Alterations to a Commercial Building
$200.00 base fee
* PLUS $30.00 per 100 sq. ft. or fraction thereof
Wiring: For Commercial Hood Protection
New Single-Family Dwelling, Townhouse or Cluster Type Development
$150.00 Base fee
* PLUS $20.00 per 100 sq. ft. or fraction thereof
Addition or Alteration to a Single-Family Dwelling, Townhouse or Cluster Homes
$100.00 Base fee
* PLUS $20.00 per 100 sq. ft. or fraction thereof
X-Ray machines and/or medical equipment
$80.00 each
Any item not included which requires an inspection - Base Fee
For each re-inspection necessary due to faulty or incomplete work $50.00
(Ord. 2023-19. Passed 3-20-23.)