(A) Wall signs. In single-family residential no wall signs shall be allowed, except hereunder. Multiple-family residential complex, commercial or industrial buildings, may display wall signs per street frontage subject to the limiting standards set forth in division (D)(8) below. For shopping centers, planned industrial parks or other multiple occupancy non-residential buildings, the building face or wall shall be calculated separately for each separate occupancy, but in no event will the allowed area for any separate occupancy be less than 12 square feet.
(1) Wall signs shall not extend beyond the ends or over the top of the walls to which attached and shall not extend above the level of the second floor of the building.
(2) Wall signs shall not extend more than 15 inches from the face of the buildings to which attached.
(3) Any part of a sign extending over pedestrian traffic areas shall have a minimum clearance of eight feet. If under eight feet, they must be considered flush with the wall.
(B) Free-standing signs.
(1) In addition to any allowable wall signs, every single-family residential subdivision, multiple-family residential complex, commercial or industrial building shall be permitted to display free-standing or combination of signs per street frontage subject to the standards set forth in division (D)(8) below. A free-standing sign or bulletin board customarily incident to places of worship, libraries, museums, social clubs, schools or societies may be erected on the premises of such institutions. One such sign or bulletin board, not exceeding 32 square feet, may be erected for each entrance on a different street or highway.
(2) The area of this sign shall be deducted from the total area allowed of all allowable signage.
(a) No free-standing sign shall be located within the right-of-way, less than 15 feet from a side property line, nor be located less than 50 feet from any other free-standing sign. The total number or permitted signs on any lot in all districts shall not exceed two, of which only one may be pole sign and only one of which may be a free-standing ground or low profile sign. Any additional advertising signs must be on property owned by the business, company or individual.
(b) If, for any reason, the property line is changed at some future date, any free-standing sign made non-conforming thereby must be relocated within 90 days to conform to minimum setback requirements.
(c) No free-standing sign shall be more than 30 feet in height above highway grade. The height shall be measured vertically from the established average grade directly below the sign or entry level of the building or structure, whichever is lower, to the highest point of the sign, including supporting structures. No sign shall project above the permitted principal building height, except for any businesses abutting Highway 75 located within the C-C Community Commercial Service Business District measured two-tenths mile either north or south from the intersection of Highway 75 and Interstate 90, would be allowed to install one sign on the property to a height of 100 feet. The 100-foot height requirement would be measured from the Interstate 90 road bed. This sign regulation would not supersede any existing height limitations dictated by this chapter in any other area.
(d) No free-standing sign shall extend over or into public right-of-way, nor shall it overhang the property lines.
(e) Free-standing signs under which a pedestrian walkway or driveway passes must have a minimum vertical clearance of ten feet.
(f) Masonry/stone type signs or monuments shall not exceed six feet in height and shall not be placed so as to impair visibility for motorists, or be placed in the “clear view” triangle formed by a line 25 feet along each property line from the corner and connected to form the triangle.
(C) On-premises directional signs.
(1) No more than two directional signs (one back to back sign) shall be permitted per street entrance to any lot.
(2) There shall be no limit to the number of directional signs providing directional information interior to a lot.
(3) In residential zones, the maximum area for directional signs shall be one and one-half square feet.
(4) For all other zones, the maximum area for any directional sign visible from adjacent property or rights-of-way shall be six square feet.
(5) Not more than 25% of the area of any directional sign shall be permitted to be devoted to business identification or logo, which area shall not be assessed as identification sign area.
(D) Off-premises directional signs. In addition to any free-standing sign allowed in division (B) above, an off-premises directional sign may be allowed pursuant to the following requirements on any parcel abutting Highway 75, with permission of the owner of the parcel, unless zoned R-1 (one- and two-family residences) where they shall not be allowed.
(1) Off-premises directional signs shall be a sign with a maximum area of 32 square feet on a single-faced sign or 64 square feet on a double-faced sign.
(2) On a parcel where no permitted free-standing signs exist, one off-premises directional sign (pole or ground sign) shall be allowed subject to the setback and height requirements of division (B)(2)(f) above.
(3) On a parcel with one free-standing sign on a pole and no free-standing ground sign, one off-premises directional sign may be installed under the business sign on the pole or may be installed as a ground sign and the ground sign shall conform to the requirements in division (B)(2)(f) above.
(4) On a parcel with one free-standing ground sign and no free-standing sign on a pole, one off-premises directional sign may be installed on a pole or may be installed as a ground sign and the ground sign shall conform to the requirements in division (B)(2)(f) above.
(5) On a parcel with one free-standing sign on a pole and one free-standing ground sign, an off-premises directional sign may be installed under the business sign on the pole.
(6) Off-premises directional signs shall display only a business name or logo and directional information.
(7) No business shall have more than one off-premises directional sign.
(8) Not more than one off-premises directional sign shall be located on any parcel.
Identification Sign Standards, Wall Signs | |
Land Use | Aggregate Area (Square Feet) |
Commercial and industrial | 2 square feet for each foot of street frontage |
Multiple-family residential | 6 square feet |
Non-residential in a residential zone | Conditional use only |
Single-family residential | 2.5 square feet |
Free-Standing Sign Area | |
Distance of the Sign from the Property Line | Area of Permitted Signage |
0 - 8 feet | 32 square feet |
8 - 25 feet | 48 square feet |
Over 25 feet | 96 square feet |
(Prior Code, § 11.16) (Ord. 336, Third Series, effective 8-7-2014)
(A) Real estate signs. Real estate signs shall be permitted in all zoning districts, subject to the following limitations.
(1) Real estate signs located on a single residential lot shall be limited to one sign, not greater than four feet in height and six square feet in area.
(2) Real estate signs advertising the sale of lots located within a subdivision shall be limited to one sign per entrance to the subdivision, and each sign shall be no greater than 12 square feet in area, nor eight feet in height. All signs permitted under this section shall be removed within ten days after the sale of the last original lot.
(3) Real estate signs advertising the sale or lease of space within commercial or industrial buildings shall be no greater than 32 square feet, nor eight feet in height, and shall be limited to one sign per street front.
(4) Real estate signs advertising the sale or lease of vacant commercial or industrial land shall be limited to one sign per street front, and each sign shall be no greater than 96 square feet and 12 feet in height.
(5) Real estate signs shall be removed not later than ten days after execution of a lease agreement in the event of the purchase.
(B) Development and construction signs. Signs temporarily erected during construction to inform the public of the developer, contractors, architects, engineers, the nature of the project or anticipated completion dates, shall be permitted in all zoning districts, subject to the following limitations.
(1) The signs on a single residential lot shall be limited to one sign, not greater than eight feet in height and 12 square feet in area.
(2) The signs for residential subdivision or multiple residential lots shall be limited to one sign, at each entrance to the subdivision or on one of the lots to be built upon, and shall be no greater than eight feet in height and 16 square feet.
(3) The signs for commercial or industrial projects shall be limited to one sign per 150 feet of frontage or part there of, not to exceed 12 feet in height and 32 square feet in area.
(4) Development and construction signs may not be displayed until after the issuance of construction permits by the Building/Zoning Official, or approval of the Code Official and must be removed be removed not later than 48 hours following issuance of a certificate of occupancy for any or all portions of the project.
(C) Special promotion, event and grand opening signs. Promotional signage, including banners, for special events of limited duration, not exceeding 16 square feet in a residential zone and 32 square feet in all other zones and not exceeding eight feet in height; provided that:
(1) Placement shall not exceed 30 days before or five days following the event; and
(2) The names and addresses of the sponsors and the person responsible for removal must be filed with the Code Official.
(D) Special event signs in public ways. Signs advertising a special community event shall not be prohibited in or over public rights-of-way, subject to approval by the Code Official as to size, location and method of erection. The Code Official may not approve any special event signage that would impair the safety and convenience of use of public rights-of-way or obstruct traffic visibility.
(E) Portable signs. Portable signs shall be permitted only in commercial and business districts, subject to the following limitations.
(1) No more than one such sign may be displayed on any property, and shall not exceed a height of six feet or area of 16 square feet.
(2) The signs shall be displayed not more than 20 days in a calendar year.
(3) Any electrical portable signs shall comply with the state’s Electrical Code.
(4) No portable sign shall be displayed prior to obtaining a sign permit.
(5) All portable signs shall comply with setback requirements set out in this chapter.
(F) Political signs. Political signs shall be permitted in all zoning districts, subject to the following limitations.
(1) All political signs shall comply with rules and regulations as specified in state statute.
(2) Signs shall not be placed in any public right-of-way or obstruct traffic visibility.
(Prior Code, § 11.17)
(G) Sandwich board signs. Sandwich board signs are allowed for use in conjunction with commercial businesses, stores, or shops, and on premises of eating or drinking establishments, subject to the following limitations:
(1) No more than one such sign may be displayed in front of the associated establishment, limited to a maximum two feet in width and 42 inches in height.
(2) The sign shall be placed on that part of the sidewalk closest to the associated use and the nearest part of the sign structure shall not be separated by more than two feet from the wall of the building. Sign shall not be placed so as to interfere with or obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic, cause the width of the sidewalk to be reduced below five feet in width, nor shall they be placed or maintained in a manner that prevents free ingress or egress from any door, window, or fire escape.
(3) The sign must be constructed of materials that present a finished appearance. Windblown devises, including balloons, may not be attached or otherwise made part of the sign.
(4) Such signs with a singular (non-changing) message shall be displayed not more than 30 days in a calendar year. The sign shall be removed at the end of the business day and may only be displayed during regular daylight business hours. Sandwich boards must be weighted down or removed if wind gusts to 20 mph.
(5) Application for a sandwich board sign permit must include a signed indemnification agreement.
(A) Canopy and marquee signs.
(1) The permanently-affixed copy area of a canopy or marquee sign shall not exceed an area equal to 25% of the face area of the canopy, marquee or architectural projection upon which the sign is affixed or applied.
(2) Graphic striping, patterns or color bands on the face of a building, canopy, marquee or architectural projection shall not be included in the computation of sign copy area.
(B) Awning signs.
(1) The copy area of an awning sign shall not exceed an area equal to 25% of the background area of the awning surface to which such a sign is affixed or applied, or permitted area for wall or fascia signs, whichever is less.
(2) Neither the background color of an awning, nor any graphic treatment or embellishment thereto such as striping, patterns or valances, shall be included in the computation of sign copy area.
(C) Projecting signs.
(1) Projecting signs shall be permitted in lieu of free-standing signage on any street frontage limited to one sign per occupancy along any street frontage with public entrance to the occupancy, and shall be limited in area to two square feet per each lineal foot of building frontage; except that, no sign shall exceed an area of 72 square feet. Projecting signs shall be centered on the building as far as is practicable. A building having multiple commercial tenants shall be permitted to have more than one projecting sign, but total number of projecting signs for the building may not exceed more than one sign for each 25 feet of frontage
(2) No such sign shall extend vertically above the highest point of the building facade upon which it is mounted.
(3) The signs shall not extend more than seven feet from a building or four feet from the inner curb line of the nearest street, whichever is less.
(4) The signs shall maintain a clear vertical distance above any public sidewalk a minimum of eight feet.
(D) Under canopy signs.
(1) Under canopy signs shall be limited to no more than one such sign per public entrance to any occupancy and shall be limited to an area not to exceed eight square feet.
(2) The signs shall maintain a clear vertical distance above the sidewalk or pedestrian way a minimum of eight feet or be flush with the building.
(E) Roof signs.
(1) Roof signs shall be permitted in commercial and industrial areas only when specifically designed into the structure at construction or additional engineering is submitted with permit application.
(2) Such signs shall be limited to a height above the roofline of the elevation parallel to the sign face of no more than 25% of the height of the roofline in a commercial district and 33% in an industrial district.
(3) The sign area for a roof sign shall be assessed against the aggregate permitted area for wall signs on the elevation of the building most closely parallel to the face of the sign.
(F) Window signs. Window signs shall not be permitted for any non-residential use in a residential district, and shall be permitted for all commercial and industrial districts, subject to the following limitations.
(1) The aggregate area of all such signs shall not exceed 25% of the window area on which the signs are displayed. Window panels separated by muntins or mullions shall be considered as one continuous window area.
(2) Window signs shall not be assessed against the sign area permitted for other sign types.
(G) Menu boards. Menu board signs shall not be permitted to exceed 50 square feet.
(H) Home occupation. No sign other than one unlighted sign not over two and one-half square feet in area, attached flat against the dwelling and displaying only the occupants name and occupation, shall advertise the presence or conduct of the home occupation.
(Prior Code, § 11.18) (Ord. 336, Third Series, effective 8-7-2014)
(A) Master sign plan required.
(1) All landlords or single owner controlled multiple-occupancy development complexes on parcels exceeding eight acres in size, such as shopping centers or planned industrial parks, shall submit to the Code Official a master plan prior to issuance of new sign permits.
(2) The master sign plan shall establish standards and criteria for all signs in the complex that require permits, and shall address, at a minimum, the following:
(a) Proposed sign locations;
(b) Materials;
(c) Type of illumination;
(d) Design of free-standing sign structures;
(e) Size;
(f) Quantity; and
(g) Uniform standards for non-business signage, including directional and informational signs.
(B) Development complex sign.
(1) In addition to the free-standing business identification signs otherwise allowed by this chapter, every multiple-occupancy development complex shall be entitled to one free-standing sign per street front, at the maximum size permitted for business identification free-standing signs, to identify the development complex.
(2) No business identification shall be permitted on a development complex sign.
(3) Any free-standing sign otherwise permitted under this chapter may identify the name of the development complex.
(C) Compliance with master sign plan. All applications for sign permits for signage within a multiple-occupancy development complex shall comply with the master sign plan.
(D) Amendment. Any amendments to a master plan must be signed and approved by the owner(s) within the development complex before the amendment will become effective.
(Prior Code, § 11.19)
All sewer and water systems hereafter constructed or maintained shall conform to the provisions of this section and any other provisions of the city code or regulations of the city and the state.
(A) Sanitary sewers.
(1) Public sanitary sewers shall be installed as required by standards and specifications as established by the Council.
(2) Where municipal public sanitary sewer is not available, the Council may, by ordinance, grant a franchise for the sewers to serve all properties in the area where a complete and adequate community sanitary sewer system and plant are designed, and complete plans for the system and plant are submitted to and approved by the Council and the state’s Board of Health before construction.
(3) Individual sewer systems shall be constructed according to standards and regulations approved by the Council and the state’s Board of Health. Individual sewer systems shall be located at least 50 feet from any well.
(B) Water systems.
(1) Public water facilities, including pipe fittings, hydrants and the like shall be installed as required by standards and specifications as established by the Council.
(2) Where public water facilities are not available, the Council may, by ordinance, grant a franchise for the water facilities, to serve all properties within the area where a complete and adequate community water distribution system is designed, and complete plans for the system are submitted to and approved by the Council and the state’s Board of Health.
(3) Individual wells shall be constructed according to standards and regulations approved by the Council and the state’s Board of Health.
(4) Individual wells shall be located at least 50 feet from any sewer system.
(Prior Code, § 11.20)