For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   COMBINED MOVING PERMIT. A permit to move a building on both a street and a highway.
   HIGHWAY. A public thoroughfare for vehicular traffic which is a state trunk highway, county state-aid highway or county road.
   HIGHWAY MOVING PERMIT. For which a fee is charged, a permit to move a building on a highway, which does not include route approval, but does include regulation of activities which do not involve the use of the highway; which activities include, but are not limited to, repairs or alterations to a municipal utility required by reason of the movement.
   MOVING PERMIT. A document allowing the use of a street or highway for the purpose of moving a building.
   STREET. A public thoroughfare for vehicular traffic which is not a state trunk highway, county state-aid highway or county road.
   STREET MOVING PERMIT. For which a fee is charged, a permit to move a building on a street, which does include route approval, together with use of the street and activities including, but not limited to, repairs or alterations to a municipal utility required by reason of the movement.
(Prior Code, § 4.04) (Ord. 46, Third Series, effective 3-31-1988)