   (A)   (1)   The dividing line for the streets running generally in an eastwardly and westwardly direction, or parallel with the Ohio River, shall be the Cincinnati Southern Railway tracks and houses and buildings shall be numbered eastwardly and westwardly from that point, the even numbers being placed on the northerly side of the street, the odd numbers on the southerly side of the street and the consecutive numbers odd and even shall be placed on houses as nearly opposite as possible.
      (2)   On streets running generally in a northwardly and southwardly direction, or away from the Ohio River, houses and buildings shall be numbered from the Ohio River southwardly, the even numbers on the west side of the street, the odd numbers on the east side of the street and the consecutive numbers odd and even shall be placed on houses and buildings as nearly opposite as possible.
      (3)   The space allotted to each number shall be 25 feet as a unit of measurement.
   (B)   Houses or buildings shall be numbered in blocks as follows:
      (1)   On streets running westwardly from the Cincinnati Southern Railway tracks as follows: From the railway tracks to Locust Street, they shall begin with the number 1 with the railway tracks; from Locust Street to Carneal Street, they shall begin with the number 101 at Locust Street; from Carneal Street to Davies and Butler Streets, they shall begin with the number 201 at Carneal Street; from Davies and Butler Streets, to Kenner Street they shall begin with the number 301 at Davies and Butler Streets; from Kenner Street to Adela Avenue, they shall begin with the number 401 at Kenner Street; from Adela Avenue to Helen Street, they shall begin with the number 501 at Adela Avenue; from Helen Street to Ludford Street and Ludford Passway, they shall begin with the number 601 at Helen Street and Ludford Passway; from Ludford Street to Deverill Street, they shall begin with the number 701 at Ludford Street and Ludford Passway; from Deverill Street to Lagoon Avenue, they shall begin with the number 801 at Deverill Street.
      (2)   On streets running eastwardly from the railway tracks they shall be numbered as follows: From the railway tracks to Louise Court and Post Place, they shall begin with the number l at the railway tracks; from Post Place to Montrose, they shall begin with the number 101 at Post Place; from Montrose Street to Audrey, they shall begin with the number 201 at Montrose Street; from Audrey Street to Rivers Breeze Drive and Alberta Streets, they shall begin with the number 301 at Audrey Street; from Rivers Breeze Drive and Alberta Street to West Street, they shall begin with the number 401 at Rivers Breeze Drive and Alberta Streets.
      (3)   On the streets running generally in a northwardly and southerly direction, or away from the Ohio River, in that part of the city west of the Cincinnati Southern Railway tracks, they shall be numbered as follows: From the Ohio River to Elm Street, they shall begin with the number l at the Ohio River; from Elm Street to Oak Street, they shall begin with the number 101 at Elm Street; from Oak Street to Linden Street, they shall begin with the number 201 at Oak Street; from Linden Street to Church Street and Poplar Street, they shall begin with the number 301 at Linden Street; from Church and Poplar Streets to Laurel and Cherry Streets, they shall begin with the number 401 at Church Street and Poplar Streets; from Laurel Street to Adela Avenue, they shall begin with the number 501 at Laurel Street; south of Adela Avenue, they shall begin with the number 601.
      (4)   From the River Road to the Highway and Post Place they shall begin with the number l at River Road.
      (5)   From West Street to Montclair Street they shall begin with the number l at West Street; from Montclair to the Highway they shall begin with the number 101 at Montclair Street; from the Highway to Hazen Street, they shall begin with the number 201 at the Highway; from Hazen Street south, they shall begin with the number 301 at Hazen Avenue.
(`96 Code, § 150.15) (Ord. 738, passed 3-1-1928)
   The City Engineer shall furnish the City Council with a plat showing the house numbering scheme as herein set out, and it shall then be the duty of the City Clerk-Treasurer to notify the owners, lessees or occupants of those houses and buildings of the house number assigned to those houses by mailing a postal card to the owner, lessee or occupant with the number assigned thereon.
(`96 Code, § 150.16) (Ord. 738, passed 3-1-1928)
   (A)   It shall be the duty of each owner, lessee or occupant of that house or building to place the correct number assigned to the house or building, as herein provided for, within 60 days after the passage and publication of this subchapter.
   (B)   All houses and buildings in the city shall be numbered by the 100-block system with numbers plain and legible and each individual figure shall not be less than three inches in height one-half inches in stroke and shall be placed in a conspicuous position on the front of the house or porch or building where it can be easily read from the street.
   (C)   All houses and buildings in the city that have access to or are adjacent to alleyways or rear-access roads shall also place the property’s number in a conspicuous position on the back of the house or building so that it can be easily read from the alleyway or access road; the number shall be plain and legible and each individual figure shall not be less than three inches in height and one-half inches in stroke.
(`96 Code, § 150.17) (Ord. 738, passed 3-1-1928; Am. Ord. 2004-9, passed 9-9-2004) Penalty, see § 117.99