(a) For the purpose of providing for the cost of the management, maintenance, operation, and repair of the sewage system and sewage pumping, treatment, and disposal works; for the enlargement or replacement of the system and works; and for the construction and re-construction of interceptor sewers and the payment of interest on any debt incurred for the construction thereof, there is hereby levied and assessed upon each lot or parcel of land in the Village on which a building (commercial, industrial, institutional, or residential) is located and is connected to the Village's sewer system by a public or private sewer, a service user charge as
hereinafter provided.
(b) The method for service charge calculation shall be related to the concept of "unit equivalent" charges, which shall be based on the specific use of each specific property connected to the sanitary system. For the purpose of this regulation, one (1) "unit" shall be equivalent to one (1) single-family dwelling. The "use" of a connected property shall be determined by the building codes and health regulations and will be subject to re-evaluation if a change in property use occurs due to remodeling, new construction, change of ownership, other possible usage change, or at the decision of the Village. For the purpose of defining property use, other than single-family usage, the following table of unit equivalents shall apply:
Type of Land Use | Unit Equivalents |
Residential Class | |
Single-Family Residence* | 1 |
Apartments (per living unit) | 0.75 |
House Trailers (in a licensed park) | 0.75 |
Commercial, Industrial Class | |
Churches | 1 |
Schools | |
• Elementary (per 100 pupils) | 3 |
• High School, Junior High School, Middle School (per 100 pupils) | 4 |
Nursing and Rest Homes (per bed) | 0.25 |
Office Buildings | 1 |
Factories, Industrial (per employee) | .075 |
Food Service Operations | |
(sit-down, including bars, over 75 seats) | 2 |
(sit down, including bars, under 75 seats) | 1.5 |
General Business | 1 |
*Includes mobile home structures not located in a licensed mobile home park, but used as a single-family structure.
User types not included in the preceding table shall be evaluated on a case by case basis by the Village Engineer, who, at his reasonable discretion, shall establish a unit equivalent determination for these special cases. Also, based upon actual experience of operation of the Village's sewage system, the Village reserves the right to make justified adjustments to the table of unit equivalents or the "unit" flow contribution figures provided previously in order to assure
equitable service charges to users of the system. Any user with a unit equivalent calculated to be less than one (1) unit shall receive a one (1) unit rating as a minimum unit equivalent rating for user charge consideration.
(c) Effective immediately upon the passage of this section, the monthly sewer service charge for users of Village sewer facilities with a unit equivalent rating of one (1) unit shall be the total of the following three components:
Component 1: Debt service charge arising out of 1987 sewer project in the amount of $4.00. Provided, however, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance Numbers 411 and 421, each user with a unit equivalent rating of one (1) unit was given the option of paying a one time debt service charge of $1,950.00, said payment being intended to cover the user's share of the cost of construction authorized by Ordinance 419; any user (or their predecessor in title, as the case may be) who elected to pay, and did pay the one time debt service charge of $1,950.00 not later than August 15, 1987 is excused from payment of the debt service charge referred to in this paragraph.
Component 2: Debt service charge arising out of the 2007 sewer project in the amount of $34.53. Provided, however, for users whose buildings are located on the following described lots only, the debt service charge under this paragraph shall be reduced to $17.27, for the reason that said lots already had separated sewers in place to prior to the commencement of the 2007 sewer project.
Lots 1-37, inclusive, in the HOELTER ADDITION, a subdivision in the Village of Luckey, Wood County, Ohio, as recorded in Plat Volume 10, page 89.
Lots 1-15, inclusive, in the HOELTER ADDITION PHASE 2, a subdivision in the Village of Luckey, Wood County, Ohio, as recorded in Plat Volume 21, page 758.
Lots 16-31, inclusive, in the HOELTER ADDITION PHASE 3, a subdivision in the Village of Luckey, Wood County, Ohio, as recorded in Plat Volume 22, page 208.
Lots 32-39, inclusive, in the HOELTER ADDITION PHASE 4, a subdivision in the Village of Luckey, Wood County, Ohio, as recorded in Plat Volume 22, page 285.
Component 3: Charge for operational and maintenance expenses for the sewer system in the amount of $9.60
For each user (and their successors in title) the monthly sewer service charge shall be the sum of components 1, 2, and 3 as set forth above. Users with user equivalent values greater than one (1) unit shall the pay the rate equal to one unit times the number of user equivalents assigned to that user. All users located outside of the Village shall pay a 50% surcharge of all sewer charges, in addition to all regular sewer charges; the surcharge shall apply to the initial tap charges, connection fees, as well as monthly sewer service charges of every description. All habitable or useful buildings connected to the Village sewer system, or required to be connected to the Village sewer system, shall pay the above charges, whether the buildings are occupied or not. The sewer service charge shall be billed and collected monthly or quarterly, in advance, as determined by the Superintendent.
(d) Commencing January l, 2010, and continuing on the first of each month thereafter, the monthly sewer service charge for users of Village sewer facilities with a unit equivalent rating of one (1) unit shall be the total of the following two components:
Component 1: Debt service charge arising out of the 2007 sewer project in the amount of $34.53. Provided, however, for users whose buildings are located on the following described lots only, the debt service charge under this paragraph shall be reduced to $17.27, for the reason that said lots already had separated sewers in place to prior to the commencement of the 2007 sewer project.
Lots 1-37, inclusive, in the HOELTER ADDITION, a subdivision in the Village of Luckey, Wood County, Ohio, as recorded in Plat Volume 10, page 89.
Lots 1-15, inclusive, in the HOELTER ADDITION PHASE 2, a subdivision in the Village of Luckey, Wood County, Ohio, as recorded in Plat Volume 21,page 758.
Lots 16-31, inclusive, in the HOELTER ADDITION PHASE 3, a subdivision in the Village of Luckey,. Wood County, Ohio, as recorded in Plat Volume 22, page 208.
Lots 32-39, inclusive, in the HOELTER ADDITION PHASE 4, a subdivision in the Village of Luckey, Wood County, Ohio, as recorded in Plat Volume 22, page 285.
Component 2: Charge for operational and maintenance expenses for the sewer system in the amount of $9.60
For each user (and their successors in title) the monthly sewer service charge shall be the sum of components 1 and 2, as set forth above. Users with user equivalent values greater than one (1) unit shall the pay the rate equal to one unit times the number of user equivalents assigned to that user. All users located outside of the Village shall pay a 50% surcharge of all sewer charges, in addition to all regular sewer charges; the surcharge shall apply to the initial tap charges, connection fees, as well as monthly sewer service charges of every description. All habitable or
useful buildings connected to the Village sewer system, or required to be connected to the Village sewer system, shall pay the above charges, whether the buildings are occupied or not. The sewer service charge shall be billed and collected monthly or quarterly, in advance, as determined by the Superintendent.
(e) The sewer user charge system will be audited annually by the Village Council to ensure that the system is, and will continue to be, self sufficient and that sufficient revenue is being generated from each user class in the proper proportions. After its initiation, the Village retains the right to modify this user charge system, in accordance with U.S. EPA regulations, in order to maintain equitable sewer service charges to all users of the system. Furthermore, the charges comprising Component 2 and Component 3, above, have been calculated based on construction costs anticipated at the time of the enactment of this section; it is likely that adjustments to said charges may be necessary once the project has been completed and final construction costs determined.
(f) For each entity which is more than sixty (60) days past due in the payment of the service user charge assessed against it, it shall be assessed an additional service user charge equal to 10% per month on the entire unpaid balance outstanding on its service user charge account. The additional service user charge referred to above shall be assessed each and every month at the rate of 10% of the entire then unpaid balance until such time as the service user charge account shall have been brought current. The additional charge shall be added to and become part of the sewer service charge referred to above and shall be included in any and all enforcement or collection action taken by the Village, including submission to the County Auditor for collection as a lien on the subject property pursuant to Section 921.08.
(g) Where the Village determines that a user is to be required to meter his water use or sewage flow, the owner shall incur all expenses related to the installation of said meter. Prior to installation of the meter, the type of equipment installed and its location must be approved by the Village Engineer. Prior to placing said meter into use after installation, the Village Engineer shall inspect and approve the meter installation. Any modifications required by the Engineer shall be made at the user's sole expense and prior to the meter's use. The meter shall be located in a suitable location that will accommodate readings by Village personnel. Tampering with the meter by the user to cause inaccurate readings shall make the user subject to the penalty provisions of Section 921.99. Monthly charges for users with metered water or sewer service shall consist for a base charge of $15.50 per month unit equivalent rating of the user for debt service, plus a variable charge for 0 & M of $1.25 per 1,000 metered gallons, or fraction thereof. There shall be a minimum monthly charge of $20.00 for metered users, based on 3,600 gallons per month of usage, which shall be due monthly regardless of actual usage.
(h) Industrial waste water into the public sewers as determined by this section shall be subject to surcharges determined monthly on the basis of the following formula:
P equals (A) x B.O.D. plus (B) x S.S. where A= $0.25/lb./yr. BOD surcharge
and B = $0.25/lb./yr. SS surcharge
P equals monthly surcharge.
BOD equals pounds of biochemical oxygen demand per month in excess of (300) mg.l concentration.
SS equals pounds of suspended solids per month in excess of (300) mg.l. concentration.
In the above formula A and B refer to the total expenditures per pound of BOD and suspended solids, respectively, to collect, convey, and treat the wastewater, which shall be determined annually by the Village.
(Ord. 712. Passed 10-7-09.)