When uncertainty exists with respect to boundaries of the various districts as described herein or as indicated on the Zoning Maps, the following rules shall apply:
   (a)   District boundary lines are either the center lines of railroads, highways, streets, alleys, or easement or boundary lines of sections, quarter sections, tracts, subdivisions, or lots, or such lines extended, unless otherwise indicated.
   (b)   In areas not subdivided into lots and blocks, wherever a district is indicated as a strip adjacent to and paralleling a street or highway, the depth of such strip shall be two hundred feet measured at right angles from the street or highway line and the length of frontage shall be the entire tract of land along such highway, unless otherwise indicated.
   (c)   Where a district boundary line divides a lot in single ownership, the regulations for either portion of the lot may extend to the entire lot, but not more than 25 feet beyond the boundary line of the district.
      (Ord. 293. Passed 5-24-78.)