No person shall hold, conduct or take part in the holding or conducting of any outdoor theatrical exhibition, menagerie, circus performance, carnival, medicine show or like performances or entertainments, or exhibitions of boxing, sparring, wrestling, juggling, marksmanship, dancing, sleight of hand, or other kind, including those conducted in tents or temporary buildings, or exhibitions or performances in connection with or travelling with any menagerie or circus, whether a price of admission is charged or not, within the limits of the Township.  However, this section shall not prohibit any organization or company of citizens of the Township from holding or conducting lawn parties, strawberry festivals, block parties, concerts, lectures, exhibitions and performances where the net proceeds of such entertainment, concert or exhibition shall be devoted to religious, educational, civic or charitable purposes within the Township and where a permit therefor has first been obtained from the Secretary of the Board of Township Commissioners upon satisfactory evidence that the net proceeds of such entertainment, concert or exhibition will be appropriated to a religious, educational, civic or charitable purpose in the Township.  Further, this section shall not prohibit the holding of concerts, exhibitions or entertainments in churches or school houses for religious, educational, civic or charitable purposes.
(Ord. 172.  Passed 5-16-32.)