Amusement Devices
808.01   Definitions.
808.02   Exceptions from application of chapter.
808.03   License required.
808.04   License application; required information.
808.05   Duty of police to investigate applications.
808.06   License fee.
808.07   License expiration.
808.08   Posting of license required.
808.09   License restrictions.
808.10   Hours of business.
808.11   Requirements for places for which licenses are issued.
808.12   License suspension or revocation.
808.99   Penalty.
   Authority to regulate amusement places - see 1st Class § 1502-XXXI
   Gambling devices, gambling, etc. - see Crimes Code §§ 5512, 5513
   Amusements - see B.R. & T. Ch. 810