Tattooing Establishment
743.01   Definitions.
743.02   Permits; application; inspections.
743.03   Term of permits; renewal of permits.
743.04   Form and transfer of permits.
743.05   Health requirements for tattoo artists.
743.06   Records.
743.07   Minors.
743.08   Removal of tattoo.
743.09   Operating room; toilet facilities.
743.10   Living or sleeping quarters.
743.11   Standards for furniture.
743.12   Personal cleanliness of tattoo artist; required equipment.
743.13   Cabinets for storage of equipment.
743.14   Floors, disposition of waste material.
743.15   Ventilation; walls and ceilings.
743.16   Instructions as to care of skin after tattooing.
743.17   Preparation of area to be tattooed.
743.18   Stencil for transferring design.
743.19   Removal of excess dye; bandages.
743.20   Needles.
743.21   Severability.
743.22   Prohibition against violation; injunctions.
743.23   Prohibition against tattooing persons under the influence of intoxicants.
743.99   Penalty.
   As used in this chapter the following words shall have the following definitions:
   (a)   "Tattoo" means to mark or color the skin by pricking in a coloring matter so as to form indelible marks or figures or by the production of scars.
   (b)   "Tattoo establishment" means any room or space where tattooing is practiced or where the business of tattooing or any part thereof is conducted.
   (c)   "Tattoo operator" means any person who controls, operates, conducts or manages any tattoo establishment whether actually performing the work of tattooing or not.
   (d)   "Tattoo artist" means any person who actually performs the work of tattooing.
   (e)   "Health Commissioner" means the Commissioner of the County General Health District.
      (Ord. 2649. Passed 10-14-92.)
   (a)   No person shall operate a tattoo establishment, or engage in the practice or business of tattooing as a tattoo operator or as a tattoo artist unless such person shall first secure a permit from the Village. The fee for such permit shall be thirty-five dollars ($35.00). Applications for any such permit shall be made in writing on a form prescribed by the Village, wherein the applicant shall agree to conform to all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations governing such places now in effect or as subsequently enacted, and to permit such examination and inspections as may be deemed necessary by the Village.
   Before such permit is granted, it shall be the duty of the health officer to cause an inspection to be made of the premises or tattoo establishment in which the business is to be conducted and to refuse such permit if the condition of the premises, its equipment or the health of the applicant shall not conform to the requirements of this chapter, but if the same do conform to the requirements of this regulation, the Health Commissioner shall issue the permit requested.
   (b)   It shall be the further duty of the health officer to cause inspections to be made from time to time of all tattoo establishments and the equipment thereof, and if such place of business is not maintained, conducted or operated in conformity with the requirements of this chapter as now enacted or as subsequently amended, then the Health Commissioner may suspend the permit of the operator or artist until such tattoo establishment and the operation thereof is made to conform to the requirements of this chapter and for that purpose to have the right of entry at any reasonable time.
(Ord. 2649. Passed 10-14-92.)
   All permits issued pursuant to this chapter shall, unless sooner revoked as hereinafter set forth, expire on April 30 following their date of issue. Applications for the renewal of permits shall be made on or before April 1 following their date of issue and the requirements for the renewal thereof shall be the same as for new permits, as set forth in this chapter.
(Ord. 2649. Passed 10-14-92.)
   All permits granted shall be issued in the name of the individual person applying therefor, shall give the location of the tattoo establishment where such applicant will operate and shall not be transferable.
(Ord. 2649. Passed 10-14-92.)
   No persons shall engage in tattooing as a tattoo artist while having any communicable disease, including the common cold.
(Ord. 2649. Passed 10-14-92.)