(A)   The accessory use/structure standards apply to the following districts: AG, R1, R2, R3, R4, MH, PB, B1, B2, TC, LI, HI.
      (1)   No accessory structures shall be placed in any required setbacks and shall otherwise comply with all development standards for the zoning district in which they are located.
         (a)   In residential districts, an accessory building may be erected in the rear quarter of the lot and shall be located no less than five feet from the rear lot line; and no less than five feet from an interior lot line.
      (2)   All accessory uses and structures shall be permitted only in association with, and on the same lot as, the primary use or structure. Accessory uses and structures shall not be permitted to be located, placed, or established on any lot prior to a building permit being obtained for the principal building. No accessory building shall be used prior to the principal building or use, except as a construction facility for such principal use during construction. At no time shall it be used for residential purposes.
      (3)   Accessory structures are not deemed to include swing sets, mailboxes, lamp posts, doghouses, tree houses, and other such incidentals except as otherwise stated in this chapter.
      (4)   The following accessory structures are permitted, subject to all applicable requirements of this chapter:
         (a)   Antennas and satellite dishes;
         (b)   Attached and detached decks and patios;
         (c)   Gazebos;
         (d)   Mini-barns, sheds, and other storage buildings;
         (e)   Dumpsters; and
         (f)   Similar structures related to the primary use.
      (5)   Accessory structures shall comply with the following location requirements:
         (a)   No accessory structures shall encroach on any platted easement without written consent of the agency the easement belongs to or is managed by.
         (b)   No accessory structures shall be placed in any operable septic fields.
         (c)   A minimum separation of ten feet shall be provided between an accessory structure and any principal structure or other accessory structure.
         (d)   All accessory structures, with the exception of gazebos and decks, shall only be located to the rear of the primary structure except in the case of corner or through lots; in which case, the structures may be placed to the side of the primary structure, maintaining a minimum setback from the right-of-way line equal to one-half the distance required for the principal structure.
      (6)   No vehicle may be used as an accessory structure in any district.
      (7)   Barns and other similar agricultural buildings shall be considered primary structures on property used for agricultural purposes. All other structures on property used for agriculture, including dwellings, shall be considered accessory structures.
      (8)   Accessory structures and uses permitted as special uses are specified for each zoning district in §§ 155.030 through 155.043.
   (B)   These accessory use/structure standards apply to the following districts: R1, R2, R3, R4.
      (1)   Accessory structures shall comply with the following requirements:
         (a)   On a residential lot on which the primary structure includes an attached garage, up to two accessory structures are permitted with a maximum combined floor area of 400 square feet. Each accessory structure shall have a maximum floor area of 200 square feet.
         (b)   On a residential lot on which the primary structure does not include an attached garage, up to two accessory structures are permitted. One structure being 900 square feet, or two structures totaling 900 square feet are permitted.
   (C)   These accessory use/structure standards section apply to the following districts: B1, B2, LI, HI, PB.
      (1)   Outdoor storage shall be permitted as an accessory use subject to the following requirements:
         (a)   In the B1, General Business; B2, Highway Business; LI, Light Industrial; and HI, Heavy Industrial districts outdoor storage shall be limited as follows:
            1.   B1. Outdoor storage shall be limited to seasonal sales of finished products;
            2.   B2. Outdoor storage shall be limited to seasonal sales of finished products;
            3.   LI. Outdoor storage shall be limited to finished products;
            4.   HI. Outdoor storage of finished products and materials used in production shall be permitted; and
            5.   PB. Outdoor storage shall be limited to seasonal sales of finished products.
      (2)   Outdoor storage of vehicles being stored at auto repair facilities and junk yards shall be consistent with the parking standards of § 155.080.
(Ord. 2013-02, passed 3-11-13)