(A) It has come to the attention of the Town Council that steps should be taken in order to ensure that a water shortage is not created or exacerbated.
(B) To ensure that a water shortage is not created or exacerbated, and to relieve stresses on water sources, the Town Council deems it advisable to limit some of the uses of water by residents.
(C) Therefore, the Town Council ordains that, except as provided in § 52.101:
(1) All customers of the Water Utility with street addresses ending in an even number (i.e., 0, 2, 4, 6, 8) shall only be permitted to water lawns, wash motor vehicles, or fill swimming pools on even-numbered dates of the month; and
(2) All customers of the Water Utility with street addresses ending in an odd number (i.e., 1, 3, 5, 7, 9) shall only be permitted to water lawns, wash motor vehicles, or fill swimming pools on odd-numbered dates of the month.
(Ord. 2014-08, passed 6-9-14) Penalty, see § 52.999
(A) Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the following are exempt from the water restrictions set forth herein:
(1) Homeowners who have newly planted sod or seeded lawns may water the newly planted lawn for four weeks; and
(2) Retail businesses that primarily offer car washing services to patrons.
(B) The Public Works Director and the Building Director are empowered to grant exceptions from the restrictions contained in § 52.100, upon application by the resident and proof of extenuating circumstances.
(Ord. 2014-08, passed 6-9-14)
(A) Any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the emergency controls provisions promulgated under § 52.007 shall be subject to the following penalties:
(1) First offense: Written warning.
(2) Second offense: This fine amount has been set by Town Council and shall be subject to amendment from time to time. The current fine is available for public inspection at the town offices during normal business hours.
(3) Third offense: Discontinuance of service, either permanent or temporary and/or additional fines as determined by the Town Council.
('80 Code, § 13.04.060)
(B) In addition to any other penalties contained in this chapter, an unauthorized person, firm, or company shall pay for the quantity of water taken plus a fine to be set by the town Council. As described, the fine shall be in any amount deemed reasonable by the town Council. Should the quantity be an estimated amount as described in § 52.025, the quantity shall be multiplied by two times the estimated amount.
(C) Any person, firm, or company found to have taken water illegally from any connection to the town’s distribution system and if it is found that a cross connection, with the potential for contamination did occur, the person, firm, or corporation shall be held responsible for any and all damage from that cross connection. The person, firm, or company shall pay all damages and expenses incurred by the town to the distribution system and any and all expenses incurred due to contamination from the cross connection.
('80 Code, § 13.08.040)