Any covered entity which enters into a settlement agreement or requires a nondisclosure agreement in violation of this section shall, upon the determination that the covered entity has violated this section, become ineligible for contracting with, receiving TIF incentives, receiving any other financial incentives, or receiving a grant or general budget funding from Metro Government for a period of five years. Additionally, any covered entity which enters into a settlement agreement or requires a nondisclosure agreement in violation of this section shall be considered to be in breach of its contract with Louisville Metro and shall be liable to Louisville Metro for liquidated damages in the amount of 10% of the amount of the contract, TIF incentive, financial incentive, or grant of funds awarded to the covered entity by Metro Government. This clause shall be included in all contracts or agreements entered by Metro Government after the effective date of this subchapter, and shall not constitute the total amount of damages recoverable by Metro should an additional breach outside of the violations contained in the section occur.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 21-2023, approved 3-13-2023, eff. 9-13-2023)