Any business, firm, or individual introducing into MSD’s sewer system a substance detrimental to MSD’s sewers, wastewater treatment facilities, pumping facilities, or wastewater treatment processes, which result in abnormal costs for MSD, shall be charged and shall pay the actual total costs incurred as determined by MSD pursuant to its Wastewater/Stormwater Discharge Regulations. Current Regulations are on file with MSD and are available on MSD’s website at www.msdlouky.org.
(1994 Jeff Code, § 50.04 ) (Jeff. Ord. 25-1979, adopted and effective 11-13-1979; Jeff. Am. Ord. 11-1988, adopted and effective 6-28-1988; updated 1-1-1992; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 275-2007, approved 12-6-2007)