For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ARTERIAL ROADWAY. The class of roads in Jefferson County that serve major traffic movements (high-speed, high volume) for travel between major points, which include any roadway listed in § 71.10 of this chapter.
   BOARD. The Code Enforcement Board created pursuant to § 32.276.
   BURNOUT. A maneuver performed while operating a vehicle whereby the vehicle is kept stationary, or is in motion, while the wheels are spun, resulting in friction which causes the vehicle's tires to heat up and emit smoke.
   CENTRAL TRAFFIC DISTRICT. The area bounded on the north by Washington Street, on the south by Broadway, on the east by Hancock Street, and the west by 9th Street, each of the above-named streets being included within this area.
   CHIEF OF POLICE. The Chief of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Police Department or such police officer as he or she shall designate from within the Police Department.
   COMMERCIAL VEHICLE. Any vehicle which is required to be registered under the terms of KRS 186.050(3).
   CROSSWALK. That part of a roadway at an intersection within the connections of the lateral lines of the sidewalks on opposite sides of the highway measured from the curbs or in the absence of curbs, from the edges of the traversable roadway; or any portion of a roadway at an intersection or elsewhere distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by lines or other markings on the surface.
   DIRECTOR. The Director of the Louisville Metro Department of Public Works and Assets or such person as he or she shall designate.
   DOUGHNUT. A maneuver performed while operating a vehicle whereby the front or rear of the vehicle is rotated around the opposite set of wheels in a continuous motion which may cause a circular skid-mark pattern of rubber on the driving surface or the tires to heat up and emit smoke from friction, or both.
   DRIFTING. A maneuver performed while operating a motor vehicle whereby the vehicle is steered so that it makes a controlled skid sideways through a turn with the front wheels pointed in a direction opposite to that of the turn.
   GORE. A longitudinal point where a physical barrier or the lack of a paved surface inhibits road users from crossing from a ramp or channelized turn lane or channelized entering lane to the adjacent through lane(s) or vice versa.
   INTERSECTION. That part of the public way embraced within the extensions of the street lines of two or more streets which join at an angle whether or not one such street crosses the other.
   MEDIAN. The area between two roadways of a divided highway measured from edge of traveled way to edge of traveled way, which includes median refuge island. The median excludes turn lanes and that portion of a median that contains a sidewalk beyond the marked crosswalk or other legal pedestrian crossing and which is not part of a median refuge island. The median width might be different between intersections, interchanges, and at opposite approaches of the same intersection.
   MEDIAN REFUGE ISLAND. Protected spaces placed in the center of an arterial roadway to facilitate pedestrian crossings which may include a portion for walking or standing on such island while awaiting safe and legal crossing of such roadway.
   PEDESTRIAN. Any person afoot or in a wheelchair.
   PEDESTRIAN PATH. A paved surface intended for use by pedestrians and offered for public use, whether publicly- or privately-owned.
   PERSON. An individual, partnership, corporation, or unincorporated group or association.
   POLICE DEPARTMENT. The Louisville Metro Police Department.
   PUBLIC WAY. The entire width between property lines of every way, dedicated passway, road, or street set aside for public travel, except bridle paths and foot paths.
   RECKLESS DRIVING EXHIBITION. To perform or engage in any burnouts, doughnuts, drifting, wheelies, or other dangerous vehicle activity on a street.
   RIGHT-OF-WAY. The privilege of the immediate and preferential use of a street.
   STOPPING. To stop a vehicle longer than is actually necessary to receive or discharge passengers.
   STREET. Every public road, interstate highway, avenue, alley, or boulevard, bridge, viaduct or trestle and the approaches to them and includes off-street parking facilities offered for public use, whether publicly or privately owned, except for-hire parking facilities listed in KRS 189.700.
   TRAFFIC. Pedestrians, vehicles, buses and other conveyances, individually or collectively, while using any street for the purpose of travel.
   TRAFFIC-CONTROL DEVICE. All signs, signals, warnings, directions, markings and devices placed or erected or maintained by authority of the Director.
   VEHICLE or MOTOR VEHICLE. Every device in, on or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn on any street, including motorized all-terrain vehicles as defined in § 74.08 operating on any street and excepting devices moved by human power or used exclusively on stationary rails or tracks, which vehicle does not travel more than five miles from the boundaries of Jefferson County.
   VEHICLE SPEED CONTEST. A vehicle race against another vehicle, a clock or other timing device.
   WHEELIE. A maneuver performed while operating a vehicle whereby a vehicle is ridden for a distance with the front wheel or wheels raised off of the ground.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 99-2007, approved 6-4-2007; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 112-2019, approved 8-26-2019; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 154-2022, approved 11-1-2022; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 81-2024, approved 6-11-2024)