(A)   Licenses or permits shall be required in the following categories, in addition to those set forth elsewhere in this chapter. Each separate location must be licensed separately, inspected and meet the requirements of this chapter prior to the license or permit being issued.
   (B)   License or permits in these categories shall be effective each July 1 and be valid for one year:
      (1)   Class A kennel or cattery.
      (2)   Class B kennel or cattery.
      (3)   Class C kennel.
      (4)   Pet shop.
      (5)   Livery, riding, or boarding stable, except for activities conducted at, or by, Churchill Downs.
      (6)   Animal welfare group shelter.
      (7)   Animal-drawn vehicles (one license per company).
      (8)   Theatrical exhibition.
      (9)   Wildlife permit.
      (10)   Animal dealer.
      (11)   Circus.
      (12)   Boarding kennel or cattery.
      (13)   Swine permit.
      (14)   Dangerous dog.
      (15)   Potentially dangerous dog.
   However, the licenses required in subsections (B)(14), (B)(15), and (B)(16), above, shall be in lieu of the dog license required by § 91.020, and the fee for any valid license previously issued under § 91.020 shall be credited against those required for dangerous or potentially dangerous dogs at the time of the subsequent license issuance.
   (C)   The application for or the grant of a license set forth under subsections (A) and (B), above, except for dogs licensed under subsections (B)(14), (B)(15), and (B)(16), is deemed to permit periodic inspections of the public areas of any such licensed entity during such entity's business hours for the purpose of verifying compliance with the terms and conditions of this chapter. This section, and all other provisions in this chapter authorizing such inspections, shall be reasonably construed and applied by MAS personnel.
   (D)   Responsibilities of license and permit holders under this section.
      (1)   Persons or entities holding a permit or license in accordance with subsection (B) above are prohibited from the sale, exchange, or other transfer of ownership of any animal subject to reporting under § 91.076 to an offender listed on the Animal Abuse Offender Registry or an individual who resides at the same address as an offender on the Animal Abuse Offender Registry.
      (2)   Prior to the sale, exchange, or other transfer of ownership of any animal subject to reporting under § 91.076, any person or entity holding a permit or license in accordance with subsection (B) above is required to confirm that the potential owner of the animal is not listed on the Animal Abuse Offender Registry and does not reside at an address where an offender on the Animal Abuse Offender Registry also resides.
      (3)   Any person or entity who sells, exchanges or transfers ownership of any animal in good-faith reliance on registrant information or lack of registrant information on the Animal Abuse Offender Registry shall not be subject to penalty under this section.
      (4)   This subsection shall not apply to the sale, exchange, or transfer of an assistance dog unless there is an enjoinment order and/or an abuse offense pertaining directly to an assistance dog.
      (5)   Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit any person or entity from refusing to sell, exchange, or transfer any animal to an offender listed on the Animal Abuse Offender Registry or an individual who resides at the same address as an offender on the Animal Abuse Offender Registry.
      (6)   Before the sale, exchange, or transfer of any animal, all persons and entities are encouraged to check the Animal Abuse Offender Registry.
(1994 Jeff. Code, § 91.021) (Jeff. Ord. 17-1990, adopted and effective 12-19-1990; Jeff. Am. Ord. 46-1996, adopted and effective 12-10-1996; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 97-2003, approved 5-16-2003; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 186-2003, approved 10-10-2003; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 233-2006, approved 1-4-2007; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 290-2007, approved 12-20-2007; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 45-2019, approved 4-25-2019, effective 10-22-2019; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 9-2020, approved 2-21-2020) Penalty, see § 91.999