(A)   The provisions of this ordinance govern disciplinary and nondisciplinary appeals, and grievances and are not subject to collective bargaining.
   (B)   Regular covered employees who are suspended in excess of ten days, demoted, or dismissed may appeal to the Board for a review of the action. Such employees do not have the option of appealing through the grievance mechanism in the Louisville Metro Personnel Policy Manual.
   (C)   Appeals requesting Board review must be made in writing, addressed to the Board with a copy to the Department Director. The written appeal must be made within ten days of the effective date of the disciplinary action and must include a statement of the grounds for appeal.
   (D)   An employee who submits an appeal for Board review of a disciplinary action shall be provided a copy of the hearing procedures of the Board which shall govern all hearings conducted by the Board.
   (E)   An employee granted a Board hearing shall have the right to be represented by legal counsel at the hearing and during the hearing process.
   (F)   Counseling letters, warnings, reprimands and suspensions of ten days or less are not appealable to the Board. An employee who has received a counseling letter, warning, reprimand or suspension of ten days or less may appeal through the grievance mechanism established in the Louisville Metro Personnel Policy Manual.
   (G)   Nondisciplinary grievances (except layoffs and political discrimination) may be appealed only through the grievance mechanism established in the Louisville Metro Personnel Policy Manual.
   (H)   Layoffs may be appealed as provided in § 34.149(F).
   (I)   Grievances alleging political discrimination may be appealed as provided in § 34.004.
(1994 Jeff. Code, § 34.147) (Jeff. Ord. 8-1986, adopted and effective 6-24-1986; Merit Board rules revised 5-14-1992; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 245-2007, approved 11-12-2007)