MSD is authorized to impose a storm drainage service charge for the furnishing of flood control and storm and surface water drainage services to all real property located within the drainage service area and district area and served by the facilities of MSD and is authorized to impose a storm drainage service charge on each lot, parcel or other unit of such real property within the drainage service area and district area and the owner thereof, excepting only public streets, highways, boulevards, alleys, viaducts, sidewalks, curbing, street crossing, grade separation and other public ways. The service charge to property that has existing storm water detention facilities, may be reduced as determined by MSD, in accordance with generally accepted engineering standards and practices to more accurately reflect the contribution to runoff from the property and the service provided by the facilities of MSD to such property. The detention facilities must be in accord with the hydrologic, hydraulic and structural design requirements of the rules and regulations as may be adopted from time to time by MSD. Facilities of a temporary nature will not be allowed a decrease in their charges.
(1994 Jeff. Code, § 32.042) (Jeff. Ord. 31-1986, adopted and effective 12-19-1986; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 275-2007, approved 12-6-2007)