Floods from storm water runoff may occasionally occur which exceed the capacity of storm drainage facilities constructed, operated or maintained by funds made available. The Agreement does not imply that property subject to the fees and charges established herein will always be free from flooding or flood damage, or that storm water systems capable of handling all storm events can be cost-effectively constructed, operated or maintained. Nor shall the Agreement create a liability on the part of, or cause of action against, any of the parties or employees thereof for any flood damage that may result from such storms of the runoff thereof. Nor does the Agreement purport to reduce the need or the necessity for obtaining flood insurance.
(1994 Jeff. Code, § 32.048) (Jeff. Ord. 31-1986, adopted and effective 12-19-1986; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 275-2007, approved 12-6-2007)