(A)   No person governed by this chapter shall directly or indirectly pay or promise to pay any assessment for political purposes, or solicit or take any part in soliciting for any political party, or solicit or take any part in soliciting any political assessment, subscription, contribution, or service. No person shall solicit any political assessment, subscription, contribution, or service of any employee in the classified service.
   (B)   (1)   An employee who seeks elective office must maintain a clear separation between the employee’s campaign and his or her duties as an employee of Louisville Metro Government. (This policy does not supersede any restrictions set forth in relevant Metro Civil Service, Metro Merit Board, or Metro Police Merit Board Rules).
      (2)   Prior to an employee/candidate’s announcement, he/she must advise his/her department director, and his/her individual circumstances will be considered. When the separation between campaign and job duties is not clear and the circumstances warrant it, Louisville Metro Government may alter the employee's duties for the duration of the campaign.
      (3)   An employee shall not campaign on Louisville Metro Government time or at the employee’s work site. An employee shall not be permitted to bring campaign materials to the work site nor shall an employee use Louisville Metro Government supplies or equipment.
      (4)   Any absence from work that is campaign related must be approved in advance by the employee’s Department Director, and Deputy Mayor.
      (5)   An employee may use accrued leave (with the exception of sick leave) for campaign related absences.
(1994 Jeff. Code, § 34.005) (Jeff. Ord. 8-1986, adopted and effective 6-24-1986; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 245-2007, approved 11-12-2007)