   The Louisville/Jefferson County Human Relations Commission is authorized to develop and initiate educational and other programs designed to reduce bias-related tensions and the incidence of bias-related crimes, as defined in § 130.50, either in particular areas or on a Metro Government-wide basis.
(1999 Lou. Code, § 33.074) (Lou. Ord. No. 166-1990, approved 7-16-1990; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 119-2007, approved 7-2-2007)
   (A)   There is hereby created the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Human Relations Commission-Enforcement.
   (B)   The Louisville Metro Human Relations Commission-Enforcement ("Human Relations Commission-Enforcement") shall be composed of seven members who shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Council. Such members shall reside in Metro Louisville and no more than one member shall reside within any council district.
      (1)   The members so appointed shall include persons who are representative of the several social, economic, cultural, ethnic and racial groups that comprise the population of Metro Louisville. At least one member shall be an attorney and one member a retired judge.
      (2)   The terms of the members of the Commission shall be for three years and until successors are appointed and qualified. The initial terms of the seven members shall be staggered for one, two and three-year terms. If any of the existing members of the Human Relations Commission desire to serve on the Commission-Enforcement, they shall be allowed to serve a new three-year term of office. The remaining new members shall be appointed to a one, two or three-year terms so that one, two and three-year terms are distributed as evenly as possible.
      (3)   Members shall serve without compensation, but subject to the approval of the Mayor and within the limits imposed by the budget, they shall be allowed the necessary expenses attendant upon their duties.
      (4)   When a vacancy occurs on the Human Relations Commission-Enforcement other than as a result of the expiration of the term of appointment, the Mayor shall have the right to fill that vacancy for the unexpired term. Members are subject to removal by the Mayor at the discretion of the Mayor. Members shall be eligible for reappointment for additional terms.
      (5)   The Mayor shall appoint one of the members of the Human Relations Commission-Enforcement as Chairperson, who shall serve as Chairperson at the Mayor's pleasure.
      (6)   The Human Relations Commission-Enforcement shall meet as often as it deems necessary, but shall not meet less than once each month.
      (7)   A quorum shall consist of four members.
   (C)   Pursuant to the powers granted the Mayor by KRS Chapter 67C, the existing functions, personnel, funds, equipment, facilities and records of the Louisville and Jefferson County Human Relations Commission in its investigation and enforcement of anti-discrimination laws be and the same are hereby transferred to the Louisville Metro Human Relations Commission-Enforcement created herein. The duties, responsibilities and authorities granted to the former Human Relations Commission for the investigation and enforcement of anti-discrimination laws and enumerated in applicable provisions of the Kentucky Revised Statutes, ordinances and resolutions in place pursuant to KRS 67C.115(1), regulations, policies and procedures adopted by the Commission, unless in conflict with the provisions of §§ 32.760 and 32.761, shall be deemed transferred to the Louisville Metro Human Relations Commission-Enforcement.
   (D)   Complaint procedures. Any person claiming to be aggrieved by an unlawful practice that is prohibited by ordinance or statute may file a written complaint in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Human Relations Commission-Enforcement and this section. For complaint procedures, see §§ 92.08 et seq.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 129-2003, approved 7-18-2003; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 157-2003, approved 9-16-2003)
   (A)   There is hereby created the Louisville Metro Human Relations Commission-Advocacy ("Human Relations Commission-Advocacy"). The Human Relations Commission-Advocacy shall be composed of ten members who shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Council and such members shall reside in Jefferson County and no more than one member shall reside within any council district.
      (1)   The members so appointed shall include persons who are representative of the several social, economic, cultural, ethnic, and racial groups that comprise the population of Metro Louisville.
      (2)   The terms of the members of the Commission shall be for three years and until successors are appointed and qualified. The initial terms of the ten members shall be staggered for one, two and three-year terms. If any of the existing members of the Human Relations Commissions desire to serve a new three-year term of office. The remaining new members shall be appointed to a one, two or three-year term so that the one, two and three-year terms are distributed as evenly as possible.
      (3)   Members shall serve without compensation, but subject to the approval of the Mayor and within the limits imposed by the budget,they shall be allowed the necessary expenses attendant upon their duties.
      (4)   When a vacancy occurs on the Human Relations Commission-Advocacy other than as a result of the expiration of the term of appointment, the Mayor shall have the right to fill that vacancy for the unexpired term. Members are subject to removal by the Mayor at the discretion of the Mayor. Members shall be eligible for reappointment for additional terms.
      (5)   The Mayor shall appoint one of the members of the Human Relations Commission-Advocacy as Chairperson, who shall serve as Chairperson at the Mayor's pleasure.
      (6)   The Human Relations Commission-Advocacy shall meet as often as it deems necessary, but shall not meet less than bi-monthly.
   (B)   The Human Relations Commission-Advocacy shall endeavor to promote and secure mutual understanding and respect among all economic, social, religious, ethnic, and social groups in the metropolitan area, and shall act as conciliator in controversies involving intergroup and interracial relations. The Human Relations Commission-Advocacy shall cooperate with federal, state, and other local agencies in efforts to develop harmonious intergroup and interracial relations, and shall endeavor to enlist the support of civic, religious, labor, industrial, and commercial groups, and civic leaders dedicated to the improvement of human relations and elimination of discriminatory practices.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 129-2003, approved 7-18-2003; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 157-2003, approved 9-16-2003)
   Metro Government is authorized to establish, a nonprofit, nonstock corporation pursuant to KRS Chapter 58 to be known as the Louisville Redevelopment Authority ("the Authority"). The Authority shall act as an agency, instrumentality and constituted authority of the Metro Government for the purposes set out in § 32.766.
(1999 Lou. Code, § 33.350) (Lou. Ord. No. 101-1995, approved 7-14-1995; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 119-2007, approved 7-2-2007)