(A)   General. The provisions of this subchapter shall govern the responsibilities of persons for the maintenance of structures, and the equipment and premises thereof. Every owner and occupant must fully comply with all the provisions of the Uniform Landlord Tenant Act/Ordinance. The occupant shall promptly notify the owner of any deficiencies and violations of this chapter. All premises shall be kept and maintained free of any public nuisance.
   (B)   Sanitary condition.
      (1)   Cleanliness. Every occupant of a structure or part thereof shall keep that part of the structure or premises which that occupant occupies, controls, or uses in a clean, safe and sanitary condition. The owner and any occupant(s) shall be responsible for keeping the premises free of all weeds and prohibited plant growth, as defined in § 156.052(D), and shall ensure the removal, with reasonable promptness, of all debris, rubbish, garbage, litter, and other matter which may at any time accumulate upon the property, including any abutting sidewalks, to the center line of such street, easement or alley as are adjacent to or abut the premises. Nothing in this section shall invalidate a lease provision. The Metro Government hereby declares that plant growth in excess of the length permitted under § 156.052(D) materially affects public health and safety and creates an emergency condition which allows a landlord to enter immediately upon the premises of a tenant as provided by § 151.33(B) solely to remedy such condition. Any plant growth exceeding ten inches in height on land of three acres or more that abuts residential property, other than crops, trees, bushes, flowers or other ornamental plants, shall be at least 50 feet from the property line abutting the developed neighborhood.
      (2)   Disposal of rubbish. Every owner and/or occupant of a structure or part thereof shall dispose of all rubbish in a clean and sanitary manner by placing it in leak-proof approved containers, as required by § 156.055.
      (3)   Disposal of garbage. Every owner and/or occupant of a structure or part thereof shall dispose of garbage in a clean and sanitary manner by placing it in garbage disposal facilities, or if such facilities are not available, by securely wrapping such garbage and placing it in leak-proof approved containers, as required by § 156.055.
      (4)   Garbage storage facilities. Every dwelling unit shall be supplied with an approved garbage disposal facility, which shall be any adequate mechanical food waste grinder in each dwelling unit or leak-proof approved containers, as required by § 156.055(E). Such facilities shall be sufficient to meet the needs of the occupants.
      (5)   Rubbish storage facilities. Every dwelling unit shall be supplied with leak-proof approved containers as required by § 156.055(E) for storage of rubbish, and the occupant shall be responsible for the removal of such rubbish.
      (6)   Food preparation. All spaces used or intended to be used for food preparation shall contain suitable space and approved equipment to store, prepare and serve food in a sanitary manner. There shall be adequate facilities and services for the sanitary disposal of food wastes and refuse, including facilities for temporary storage when necessary. Approved equipment shall consist of:
         (a)   A listed or approved cooking stove or similar device designed for cooking food, properly installed with all necessary connections for safe, sanitary and efficient operation, and in proper working condition, to be supplied by the owner; provided, however, the owner may specify that this shall be the responsibility of the occupant if sufficient space and adequate connections are provided.
         (b)   A refrigerator or similar device capable of the safe storage of food at temperatures less than 50ºF. but more than 3ºF. under ordinary
maximum summer conditions, properly installed with all necessary connections for safe, sanitary and efficient operation, and in proper working condition, to be supplied by the owner; provided, however, the owner may specify that this shall be the responsibility of the occupant if sufficient space and adequate connections are provided.
         (c) Cabinets or shelves of sound construction and easily cleanable, to be furnished by the owner, for the storage of eating, drinking, and cooking equipment and utensils, and of food that does not under ordinary summer conditions require refrigeration for safe keeping, to be supplied by the owner.
      (7)   Supplied fixtures and equipment. The owner or occupant of a structure or part thereof shall keep all equipment and fixtures therein clean and sanitary, and shall be responsible for the exercise of reasonable care in their proper use and operation. The owner shall maintain the supplied equipment and fixtures in good and proper operating condition.
      (8)   Furnished by occupant. The equipment and fixtures furnished by the occupant of a structure shall be properly installed, and shall be maintained in good working condition, kept clean and sanitary, and free from defects, leaks or obstructions.
(Jeff. Ord. 37-2002, adopted and effective 11-12-2002; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 162-2004, approved 10-28-2004; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 44-2005, approved 4-19-2005; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 160-2005, approved 10-18-2005; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 30-2007, approved 3-12-2007; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 125-2007, approved 7-2-2007; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 201-2024, approved 11-24-2024)