All signs shall be constructed and maintained in safe, presentable and good structural condition at all times, including the replacement of defective parts, repainting, cleaning and other acts required for maintenance.
(a) All signs, awnings, canopies, and marquees shall be constructed in conformance with the local Building Code. All letters, figures, characters, and embellishments on a sign shall be safely and securely attached to the sign structure. Wood used in sign fabrication that will be exposed to the weather when the sign is displayed shall be rated for exterior exposure.
(b) All frameworks for the support of the sign, other than supporting poles for a freestanding sign, shall be contained within or behind the face of the sign, or within the building, so as not to be visible to public view. This restriction shall not apply to framework that is of stylized design intended as part of the design treatment.
(c) All signs and sign structures shall be designed to resist a horizontal wind pressure of thirty (30) pounds to the square foot. All supports, guys, braces and anchors for signs shall be maintained in a safe condition.
(d) All wiring, fittings and materials used in the construction, connection and operation of electrically illuminated signs shall be listed with Underwriters Laboratories and be in accordance with the provisions of the local electrical code. Any source of illumination shall be kept in safe working order at all times. Conductors for illuminated signs shall be enclosed in rigid conduit or other approved raceways and should be concealed from public view where possible.
(e) Painted and unpainted signs, awnings, canopies, marquees, embellishments, and support structures shall be cleaned and maintained as necessary to prevent an unsightly or blighted appearance. Painted signs and support structures shall be repainted as necessary to prevent excessive peeling paint, faded colors, rust, corrosion, rotting, or other deterioration in the appearance or structural safety of the sign. The City may order any sign to be painted or repainted every two (2) years.
(f) Broken or damaged sign faces, framing, or support structures shall be repaired, replaced, or removed. Missing characters in the sign message shall be replaced. Mounting and electrical holes for signs that have been removed that are not used for a replacement sign shall be filled or concealed. Discolorations shall be removed from facades that create "shadows" of signs or characters that have been removed.
(g) Landscaping Maintenance.
(1) The area within ten (10) feet in all directions of any part of a freestanding sign shall be kept clear of all debris that would constitute a fire or health hazard. All undergrowth (e.g., scrub brush, tall grass) shall be free of unsightly weeds and be neatly trimmed to a height not more than five (5) inches.
(2) All landscaping approved under the terms of the development permit shall be properly maintained and replaced when necessary.
(3) No person may, for the purpose of increasing or enhancing the visibility of any sign, damage, trim, destroy, or remove any trees, shrubs, or other vegetation located:
A. Within the right-of-way of any public street or road, unless the work is done pursuant to the express written authorization of the Zoning Inspector.
B. On property that is not under the ownership or control of the person responsible for such work, unless the work is done pursuant to the express authorization of the person owning the property where such trees or shrubs are located.
C. In any area where such trees or shrubs are required to remain under a permit issued under this UDO.
(h) Removal of Signs. The Zoning Inspector may order removal of any such sign that is not so maintained.